These pictures include women of Anglo-/Teutonic European, Semitic, N. Mediterranean, and N. East Asian, Native American, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed descent who come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. The main point is: there is enormous variation in what is normal. Sizes and shapes vary enormously. So don't worry, ladies!
Disclaimer: Some stories below are very frank and may mention various kinds of events and difficulties in people's lives (e.g. anorexia). does not necessarily endorse everything that is depicted in the stories/pictures.
![]() 21-year old, has been pregnant 3 times.
Youngest daughter (6 months) is exclusively breastfed and breastfeeds on demand 6-13 times a
day. "I have pretty severe stretch marks on the underside of my breasts
because while I was pregnant and when my milk came in with both of my
girls I went up two sizes. I am currently a size 38 B and only wear
nursing tank tops because everything else is uncomfortable."
![]() 29 years old, in the picture 20 weeks pregnant with baby #6. The woman has been obese but has lost weight and her breast size or shape didn't change noticeably. She has difficulties in finding a fitting bra.
![]() This lady has been pregnant once; breastfed for 4 months. She has strechmarks all over her breasts. "During pregnancy, my breasts swell up to a C cup and after birth to a D cup. My nipples also grew with the breasts and became very dark during pregnantcy, they lightend a bit up afterwards but never got as light of color as they used to be."
![]() "I'm 31 years old and have ALWAYS hated my breasts. They have never been
full, perky, or even close enough together to have cleavage. I'm obese and
have been most of my life. I developed late and never developed past a B cup
except toward the end of pregnancy when I reached a small C. I attempted to
breast feed but was unable to even with a lot of help from many lactation
consultants and nipple shields. I ended up pumping for 6 weeks which was a
challenge that I was not up for in addition to having a newborn!
My breasts point down, sag to the outside and hang on the outermost part of my chest. I feel like I have more breast tissue on the side, near my underarms than I do in front. Being a large woman I always hated that my cup size was so small. I think I would be happier with my breasts if they were larger than my stomach. It is empowering to see so many different types, shapes and sizes of breasts out there. I wish I could be happier with my breasts." Note: It is possible these breasts have insufficient glandular tissue (IGT). |
"I am 28 years old and have had three children, ages 4, 6 and 8. I breastfed each one of them. ... During pregnancy and after birthing, my breasts increased up to a D cup, from my
normally "Barely A". All three times. Ouch.
I have always felt insecure about my body solely because of my breasts. I am a tall, slim, and beautiful woman, and yet I have always felt as though I was not "good enough" because of the size of my breasts. After breastfeeding all of my children, it kind of put it into perspective. Breasts are for feeding humans, not for feeding the eyes of humans. I started to see my breasts as more utilitarian. However, this far post-childbirths, they have all but 'deflated', and were it not for the wonderful man I now share my life with, who makes me feel entirely perfect, I would have felt not 'good enough' again. Gratefully, I have come across this site. And you know what? I feel entirely normal. Perhaps the 'topless beaches' of Europe have stayed their obsession with the 'perfect form' and allowed their society to accept people as God made them. Unlike the American culture, which can hardly tolerate the FACT that women breastfeed. And instead would like to push the bottle into the mouths of our infants to help keep the image of the breast as pornographic as can be. And as far from natural as possible. Sorry for the rant. It's just one of those issues that was always THE issue to me." |
![]() "30-year-old Latina (Cuban) mother of 2 children aged 5 and 20 months. I have more breast tissue and milk glands under my arms than on my chest. While nursing my breasts never protruded more forward, but it looked like I was toting mangoes under my arms. Never occurred to me to photograph that but it would have been helpful for other women to see.
34-C pre children. Even when I was significantly overweight I remained a 34-C. My weight was in my hips and thighs. I didn't quite fill a C and my breasts were widely spaced. 36/38 − C/B post first child. Nursing 15 months. No meat added to my ribs but my ribs were significantly expanded 36 C+ post second child. Bought a wonderful "granny" bra called Le Mystere. It utilized my underarm breast tissue, comfortably bringing it forward, it wasn't meant to push up. 34 B- Currently. I lost 35 pounds in 8 weeks and have kept it off for almost a year. I can't find a bra I like. The "granny" bras that I find comfortable don't seem to exist in my size. I miss the "side panels" of bras designed for larger breasts. I spill out the sides of smaller bras and cannot quite fill a B-cup. I am currently using a gel insert to fill my beloved granny bra in 36-C. I still bra shop every two months." |
![]() A 46-year old; mother of two. "I lost a lot of weight when breast feeding and was very underweight for both boys. I have large breasts size
38DD. I was a size 38B for many years, after breast feeding I lost
breast volume on the upper parts of my breasts and it took many years to
fill out again."
![]() "I'm 20 years old and 20 weeks pregnant. In my teen years I was considered to
be thin, but not too thin. Over the course of the past 2 years that has
changed. I'm 5'8" now 227 lbs. Before my pregnancy I was just over 200 lbs.
I have stretch marks on my breasts, thighs, and butt. I was never really
happy with my body growing up, even though I was popular among the boys in
school. I feel the media played a big part of that. The movies and magazines
with the seemingly perfect women with the seemingly perfect bodies.
Airbrushed or not thats how I wanted to look. I battled with anorexia for a
little over a year and I'm happy to say that I've beaten it, though my self
esteen has never really gotten any better. Finding this site, I feel, is the
start of changing that. To know that I'm not the only woman with one breast
that hangs lower than the other or not the only one with fairly large
areolas, has changed my perspective on my own body and my self image. So
when I found out you were taking volunteers I had to jump at it. I know
several young women who battle with poor self image every day and thats not
an easy thing to overcome, so I'm recommending this site to everyone I can.
Thank you for this site and thank you to all the women who have sent in
pictures. This just may be the thing we need to do to turn our cultures
perspective of the female body around."
![]() "I'm 23 years old, have been pregnant two times but I miscarried. I have
normal body weight, had no medical interventions."
![]() "I'm 19, I've had one child, I breastfed for a couple of months. I have some stretchmarks on my breasts. I've lost a lot of weight since having my son, I think that's why they sag so much now. I'm still slightly overweight, though.
Thank you for this website. It's wonderful."
![]() Breasts of a woman - she breastfed both of her kids for 8 months each.
![]() "I'm 27 years old, and have been nursing my child for 11 months. ...before I got pregnant, my right breast was a tiny bit larger than my left, but they were mostly symmetrical and a large A to small B cup.
Once my milk came in (I had quite an oversupply for the first 3-5 months), though, my left breast went into overdrive! It's usually at least a cup size bigger than my right breast, no matter how much baby nurses (or I pump) on the right. In this photo I think baby had just finished nursing on the left side, so they're not as uneven as they can get sometimes! You can also see stretch marks on the tops of both breasts; those have been there as long as I can remember... My areolas and nipples have always been large; for some reason they look darker than usual in this photograph. They turned extremely dark brown during pregnancy, and faded again a few months postpartum." |
![]() A 26-year old lady. "My boobs went from a 36A before pregnancy to a 36C during pregnancy and I have quite
alot of stretchmarks on my breasts because of this. I
wore ill fitting bras during my pregnancy and can't
stress enough the importance of wearing a proper
fitting one! Following my first pregnancy I had 3
further ones resulting in ectopic/miscarriages and
these too made an impact on by breasts in terms of
quick growth, then rapid decrease in size and
therefore sagginess.
I battled bulemia on and off for 4 years and although I've conquered that, I still have self image issues.... and my breasts are one of the worst worries. My right breast hangs slightly lower than my left and I've lost all the natural volume from the top or my breast. People should love their bodies no matter what and I'm learning to accept mine slowly but I think that everyone has one thing they would like to change." |
"These breasts have nursed two babies. Both of my daughters nursed until the age of 3 years.
My breasts have always been on the small side, even while my children were nursing. I wear a 38A. The stretchmarks came with puberty. My breasts have always been a little on the droopy side, but I have recently lost 50 pounds and I think that it has contributed some to the swing low! As a bellydancer, I am used to enhancing their appearance for performances, but I would never do anything permanent to alter my perfect, functioning breasts. My husband loves them, my children loved them - and most importantly, I love them." |
![]() This lady is 60 years old: "I have had two pregnancies and breast fed both babies for 6 and 7 months respectively. I am somewhat overweight."
![]() "I am 28 years old and have always been insecure about my breast size. I am a A cup right now but I have had 2 children and breast fed both of
![]() "This is a picture of my breasts at 7 months pregnant. They have gone from a 36B to a 38C since the beginning of pregnancy, so there are some stretchmarks on the underparts of my breasts. One breast has always been larger than the other, as well as the areola of that breast, and they did not even out with the pregnancy. They are starting to fill with colostrum already, and leak occasionally, but nothing major."
![]() "I found your website and I wanted to say thank you for giving perspective. I am 27 year old Mexican that has never had children (34 B). I hated my breasts when I started getting them during my teenage years. Now I feel more confident but I still dress conservatively. I never feel comfortable with low cut tops. Your site has helped me decide not to get breast augmentation.
![]() "Age: 36. I used to want my breasts to be larger and more round at the top. After
finding a benign lump, I appreciate my breasts as they are. Now I love them!"
![]() A 19-year old. "I have always had a pretty small chest, about a 36A/32B. Also I have always had fairly large aereolas/nipples. I never really developed much throughout puberty. I have thought of getting implants, but am unsure. This website has really helped me out a lot in accepting my breasts for what they are... so I am leaning more towards not getting implants.
Again the webstite really helps, and I hope I can contribute in making other women feel better about themselves. THANKS!!" |
![]() "I have always been ashamed of my breasts. I am 25. I
have had 3 children and always have felt like the "odd
ball" out of the bunch. Although I have breast feed all
three children my breasts still look the same as they
did when I was 18. The media always made me think
that my breasts were ugly. Thank you for this site ,
helping me realize that I am not the only one with
this condition."
![]() "I'm inspired by all the women who have bared their breasts to help others
feel ok and loving about their own. I'm 21, have breastfed 1 baby for 14mths, and am 16wks pregnant with baby#2.
I've always had asymmetrical breasts by about 1 cup size, and have flip-flopped from being delighted with them to wanting plastic surgery on them. I'm pleased to say this site has helped me accept them in all their post-baby glory, and the rest of my body too! Each of us can be beautiful and sexy and very attractive - while looking nothing like the girls in magazines. And that is how we should be." |
![]() "I am 47 years old, 5 feet 7 inches tall and weigh about 150 pounds. I breastfed my two children over twenty years ago."