Normal Breasts Gallery, part D
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These pictures include women of Anglo-/Teutonic European, Semitic, N. Mediterranean, and N. East Asian, Native American, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed descent who come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. The main point is: there is enormous variation in what is normal. Sizes and shapes vary enormously. So don't worry, ladies! Disclaimer: Some stories below are very frank and may mention various kinds of events and difficulties in people's lives (e.g. anorexia). 007b.com does not necessarily endorse everything that is depicted in the stories/pictures. | ||
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"I am a 38DD or 40DD depending on the bra. I am European and 35 years old; I was pregnant once but never had a baby. I spent my whole life hating, actually... LOATHING my breasts, feeling extremely self conscious, looking at other women and in magazines and feeling truly and absolutely sorry for myself. All this despite the fact that my man (with whom I have been together for 10 years) adores my breasts. Still, I always hated them. Then this summer he took me to the seaside, and demanded I went topless on the beach. And I DID go topless! It was such a liberating experience! I felt empowered, I felt free, I felt normal! Of course there were women with perfect breasts on the beach, but I didn't care one bit. After a life time of covering up every inch of my body and especially my breasts (black t-shirts up to my neck, even in the summer), I felt normal, and I was happy. And I realised that even if I have a man who loves my breasts, unless I as a woman love my breasts, I will always feel ugly and inadequate. I have just started to 'like' them and it will be a long time before I can say I 'love' them, but in the end, these sagging breasts full of deep stretchmarks (and they also have hairs) are mine, and they are unique to me and I should appreciate that." | "I am 53 years of age. I have been pregnant twice and nursed two children. I have always been very self-conscious about my small breasts, and wished they were larger. At one time I considered breast enhancement surgery, but my husband assured me he was quite happy with my breast size, and did not want me to have any surgery. Although I still wonder what it would be like to have larger breasts, I have gradually come to accept and even enjoy my small ones. Thanks for giving real women with real breasts an opportunity to express their feelings." | |
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"I am 26 years old and have two children. The first one was not breast fed at all and is 6 years old. The second one is just 4 months old and I am currently breast feeding. Since having my baby I am now considered about 10 pounds overweight but have always been average sized normally. My breasts look about the same as they did prior to this pregnancy. Breast feeding itself has not changed them dramatically. I have light stretch marks on my breasts from my first pregnancy. Left breasts is slightly larger than right. Wonderful site and felt I should contribute!" | "I am 29 years old. I was thin as a teenager and my breasts were 36-C's but always somewhat saggy (to me). I have very pale areolas and used to wish they were darker. I got stretch marks on the sides of my breasts during puberty. I used to get comments that my breasts were the 'perfect size'.
With my first pregnancy at age 21 I gained 70 lbs and got lots of stretch marks on my abdomen, stomach, sides, and breasts. I have very pale, thin skin. I also had very flat nipples. My breast size went up to a 40 D. I breastfed my daughter for 3 months. She was not a good nurser at all and much preferred a bottle. With my second pregnancy 5 years later at age 26 I still was overweight and I gained 30 lbs but lost it all in the months after my son's birth. My son has now nursed for 2 years and he has been a wonderful nurser. He is a very picky eater so I continue to nurse him at bed/nap/morning until he self-weans. My nipples are no longer flat. I am still a 40D. My breasts are slightly asymmetrical and I feel that they sag a lot more now than they did before my pregnancies. I love the fact that I nurtured my babies with my own milk just like God intended. I no longer see my breasts as sex-symbols (even though my husband adores them!), they are my 'nun nuns' (son's word for nursing) and I believe my children are healthier for having nursed ! Your website has made me feel MUCH better about the appearance of my breasts !! Thank you !!" |
"I am 45 years old and I have had 3 children, each of whom I breastfed until they were 2 years old. Now I am almost completely flat-chested, but when I was pregnant, and even more when I was breastfeeding, my breasts increased in size dramatically. When my milk first came in each time, it was as if (in the words of my then-husband) someone had taken the basketball from my huge pregnant belly, split it in half, and glued it to my chest! In fact, my copious production of milk was always a bit painful for the first couple of weeks, until my body realised it really didn't need to produce enough to feed a whole football team. I think it is very important to reassure flat chested women that their size is absolutely no impediment to brilliant breastfeeding.
I don't know what bra size I am because I don't wear them, but I suppose it would be 36AAA. I am 5'4" (163 cm) and weigh 124 pounds (56 kg), and whenever I lose weight, my breasts are the first place it shows. In fact, they will vary in size noticeably through a single menstrual cycle. I have quite prominent, sensitive nipples with very small areolae. I think it is also an important message that size/shape is not directly correlated to sexual pleasure either. My breasts give me tremendous sexual pleasure -- another reason to resist the pressure towards breast augmentation, which often reduces the sensitivity of the nipples. I have a very large ribcage, which is a bit of a mismatch to my breast size; there are times when I am discouraged by the fact that it is much harder to find clothes that fit properly given that mismatch, but generally, my breasts have served me extremely well, and I am happy with them." |
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"I'm 23 years old, Black (African-American) Pregnant--but terminated 1st trimester. I have 34B breasts that are heavy and saggy. They've never been perky and all the women in my immediate family have Ds and DDs. I always felt my breasts were small and weird but my friends tell me that they're perfectly fine. I've considered implants and have been so ashamed of them that my mate of 5 years has only seen them bra-less a few times. Your site is so very beautiful and I'm so glad I came across it. So many women are unhappy with their breasts and I'm hoping that with time, they and myself included will begin to see what everyone else can see about us: that we're beautiful and perfectly normal!" | "Age: 37. Have 2 kids (currently lactating)" | "I am 29 years old married woman and in this picture I am about 3 months pregnant. My right breast is slightly larger than the left one, which always makes me concious. However, I feel beautiful with my all natural breasts, especially during my pregnancy. As they have become more fuller and firmer than before. This is my first pregnancy. I am planning to breastfeed my baby. I am a very much an advocate of Nature and I prefer to be natural in every way. I have never used any kind of treatment or any other thing to make my breasts beautiful. I believe in natural and healthy eating and I am size healthy. And I want every woman out there to know that no matter what size or shape are they, their breasts are beautiful if they are natural. Feel good about it." |
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"I am a 39 years old Danish woman and my breasts are a 85/90 H. I have breastfed 2 children for 9 and 3 months 12 years ago. I am obese and have been so since the age of 25. When I was young, from around the age of 12, my breasts were a size 80C. My breasts sag somewhat due to their weight, but they still have some fullness. They both have stretchmarks on the sides which developed during pregnancy. I love my breasts and I am very proud of them - I wouldn't want them to look any other way. I respect your site and your mission to make women feel confident about their natural breasts." | "I am a 20 year old caucasian woman. I was pregnant for about 5 weeks, but that was terminated about a month and a half ago, when I started on the pill. I think my breasts have grown just a little bit from those two things. I wear a 32A but I think that is the wrong size; I should try a B of some kind. I am 5'6" and weigh about 125 pounds. I hadn't realized for a while how uneven my breasts were, and I became very self-conscious of it. I wish they were even, but my guy tells me all the time how beautiful my breasts are, so that makes me feel better. I do like how they are round and perky, but I also wish my nipples stood up more. I dislike that sometimes hairs grow around the nipples, and also that the skin between them sometimes has light acne. Looking at this site, and even looking at this picture of my breasts, and thinking how my sweetheart loves them, makes me feel very good about them. Thank you for this amazing project!" |
"I was so moved and inspired by the site's content I was motivated to share pictures of my own.
I am a 36-year old stay-at-home mom to three girls: 6 years old and 21 month old twins. I have always had big breasts but they have changed with weight loss and weight gain and with pregnancy as well. I breast fed my older daughter for 20 months and my twins for one year, all exclusively. I am proud to have used my body to nourish them. I feel empowered by the fact that my breast gave an unique and wonderful gift to my daughters. They are by no means what they used to be, but I have come to feel that they aren't that bad either. I try to look beyond the sexual tag they society has attached to breast and focus on what nature intended for them. Yeah, they could be perkier but at 36 years old with three how silly would I look with perfectly rounded hard mounds bolted 3 inches below my neck!!! Thanks for letting me share." |
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"I am 24. I have had one pregnancy (my son is 2 now). I breastfed him for 20 months. I know the lighting is bad, but I have white stretch marks on the tops of my breasts since having my son. My areola got significantly darker (I am caucasian and my areola are a dark brown now). I also have a wide space between my breasts - they don't meet in the middle which has always bothered me. When I wear a "push up" I get what my friend calls "third boob" which is a fold of skin in between the breasts. I wish they were closer together, but overall I'm not that unhappy with them. Just a bit flatter and saggier after baby! My right areola has always been larger than my left even though I don't really notice a difference in breast size." | "Hi. I'm 27 years old. My weight has fluctuated significantly. I have given birth to one child 6 years ago but did not breastfeed. I have had stretch marks on my breasts since they began to develop. These are 100% au natural... I think your web site is doing a great thing. I'm ashamed to admit that even while submitting this pic for that exact purpose, I felt embarrassed and began criticizing my body. Thank you for the freedom you are allowing woman everywhere to have! Peace. " | "I have got 80 DD in Germany. I have pierced my nipples 1 year ago. Before I pierced my nipples I nursed my son for 11 months. I am slim built and 1,69 m tall." |
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"I'm an overweight 28 years old Hispanic women, and a mother of two. I am a size 38 C cup. Stretch marks appeared on my breasts when I began to develop. Although I never breastfed my children, my breasts have always sagged and at times I'm self-conscious about it. One of my breast appears larger than the other, and I don't understand why. I've always liked the size of my areola, and I would like my nipples to always remain out, but they don't." | A woman, age 71, 3 children, who always wears a bra. | "I am 26 years of age. I have four children and have breastfed ALL of them. I am still nursing our 7 month old right now. Breastfeeding is one of the most wonderful things ever to experience and I strongly encourage all mothers to make it a part of their life. When I was younger I never really thought about my breasts. It wasn't until I was married with children that I realized what a huge part of my life they were. I wear a 32 C bra and since breastfeeding since the year 2001, have noticed just a bit of sagging and a small change in my nipples---they are a bit more prominent than they were before. I have very fair skin which tends to look almost transparent (as a result there are blue vein lines visible swirling about my breasts). My husband has always made me feel beautiful, so, I have been blessed in that area----I hope everyone out there appreciates their unique partner and make her feel beautiful as well. God has made us each special and we should rejoice that we are different." |
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"I wanted to send my picture to your site because I think the site itself is brilliant and I wish I'd found it years ago! I'm 36, weigh about 310lb and breastfeed my son for 4 years. I HATED my breast for years! They have always been this shape and this saggy. I was embarrassed by them and, like a lot of women, had unrealistic ideas of what they should look like. I have lost about 400lb over about 10 years of dieting, all of it I have regained. This has not helped. Breastfeeding turned my relationship with my breast around. Most of my body does not function well, but as it turns out my breasts worked like champs. I had huge amounts of milk and my son had severe food intolerances; breast milk kept him alive. Nursing in public, though terrifying at first, removed my fear and shame about them. I now accept and love my breasts." |
"35 years old, one child (now six years old.) I finished developing when I was about 18, and settled in at a size 36C until I got pregnant at 28. My child is in first grade, but I am still carrying "baby weight." My breasts have been a 42D since my pregnancy. I breastfed my baby for about six weeks. I am finally losing weight, but I suspect my breasts are always going to be large now. Even if I can bring the size down, they're simply never going to be as perky as they were when I was 20. I wouldn't mind the sagging as much if I didn't have such a short torso... it makes the sagging look worse than it really is, I think." |
"I'm a 35 year-old asian woman who has never had children [but has been pregnant]. I am a size 32C. In general I like my breasts but worry sometimes a little that they point forward too much instead of outwards and it might be a bit weird. I notice they shrink sometimes according to the medicines I am taking (birth control pills, etc).
I am glad there are websites like this which show a wide range of normal." |
And... lastly two pics of men's breasts. Did you know men have breast tissue and milk ducts, and CAN produce milk under the right conditions? |
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This large man has "small breasts". But people don't think his breasts are something sexual. | Men have breasts and nipples too! And their nipples don't really look that much different from female ones. | A man's nipple. |