These pictures include women of Anglo-/Teutonic European, Semitic, N. Mediterranean, and N. East Asian, Native American, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed descent who come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. The main point is: there is enormous variation in what is normal. Sizes and shapes vary enormously. So don't worry, ladies!
Disclaimer: Some stories below are very frank and may mention various kinds of events and difficulties in people's lives (e.g. anorexia). does not necessarily endorse everything that is depicted in the stories/pictures.
![]() "I am 34 years old, had three pregnancies (one miscarriage) and breastfeed my first child for 2,5 years and my second child for 2 years.
I am overweighted (175lbs, 5' 7") and gained a lot of weight through the pregnancies (highest weight during my last pregnancy 230 lbs). My breasts never were perky or even, but after breastfeeding and gaining and loosing weight they get more uneven, sag a lot and I am struggling so much with their appearance. They have stretchmarks all over and I feel that the shape is weird (especially bcs they sag and are easily noticeable uneven). I really appreciate this collection and wanted to join with a picture and some information about me. Maybe it’s helping someone else or me." |
![]() "I am 19 and I am not pregnant in this picture but I was pregnant about 7 months ago and I am a 38 B depending on the bra size. I have light stretch marks on the top of my left breast and underneath both from the pregnancy. I did not breast feed. I always liked my breasts a lot until someone told me they were too big which can really hurt a girl's feelings cause we obsess on it. My left breast is bigger than the right. I found this site cause I was wondering about my nipples; I thought they looked gross, but now thanks to this site I think they are fine! The only problem I have is that I like to exercise, but when I run it hurts my breast and I get back pain when I do sit ups. So I would like to make them smaller to lift some of the weight from my neck and shoulders."
![]() "I visited your site and found it wonderfully reassuring. For so long I've always been disappointed with my breasts, feeling they are too saggy and hating the stretch marks. Great to see there are actually loads of women the same or with worse problems, I should be very happy with my breasts.
I am 27 years old, currently 15 weeks pregnant. I have stretch marks that appeared when I hit puberty at 10 years old and have never changed. I also have problems with hair on my breasts, I often have to pluck or epilate and as ingrown hairs are common I have to exfoliate carefully or risk scarring. Plus, my left breast is larger than the right. But I'm learning to be happy with my breasts and believe I'll meet someone who loves me for who I am." |
These drooping breasts, where one is hanging a little lower than the other, belong to a nursing lady.
![]() Symmetrical breasts with erect nipples and small areolas that are not the same shape.
Here areola size is typical for after-pregnancy breasts - not the small adolescent areola in supermodels (and models don't have freckles on their chest, either). This woman has nursed both of her babies. Click on the pic to read her personal comments!
![]() Fairly small areola and quite prominent Montgomery glands (the 'bumps' on areola). "I am 52 years old, & have had 7 children, all of whom nursed for about 2 years."
![]() After nursing her child for 18 months and losing 'pregnancy weight', she THOUGHT her breasts looked like those of an 80-year old woman...
"Now, after looking at your site, I realize that breasts like mine are perfectly normal and very common. I feel a lot better knowing that I don't "need" surgery to correct something that isn't really a problem."
![]() "Age 32; pregnant 3 times. Breastfed all 3, last child breastfed for a year. I have had stretchmarks on breasts since a teenager. Breasts are different sizes. Left is a d cup, right is a c cup."
![]() "I am 5'7" tall (1.7 m) and 30 years old. I am half Scottish, half
French Canadian. I have been pregnant once before. I weighed 206
pounds (!) when I gave birth at 23 and had 42D breasts while
lactating. I breastfed for two years and one month. I lost almost 80
pounds since then. I have some small stretch marks on my breasts. I
have been using a stretch mark cream recently which seems to be
helping. You can see the veins on my breasts sometimes; I'm athletic
now and veiny in general, perhaps due to my fair skin tone.
Growing up, I had small breasts, 36A, and what I felt to be overly large, puffy nipples. However, my breasts were very symmetrical. Now, I wear a 34A or B depending on the bra. I don't especially fancy my breasts, but I actually have more cleavage when I wear a bra, now that I have excess skin... Overall, I'm okay with them, knowing they are okay for having been through so much weigh change! Picture taken while sitting, leaning slightly to the side." |
A 35-year old female. Has birthed two children, and breastfed one for 3 years.
"...Right now, I am obese, however, I have been anorexic in the past. I have always been self-conscious of my breasts, as they've not only never been "perky," but seemed to have grown in pointing very "down." I'm so happy to see that I'm really NOT abnormal; nor have I ever been - in fact, I've been more "normal" than anything I've ever seen in the movies or in magazines! (I really wish I had access to a website, or other information like this, in the past, because my primary "body image" issue during my anorexic phase was my breasts, and how big and floppy they were getting.)" |
![]() "My breasts have always been small since puberty. I was very late maturing
and although I grew like most other girls, my breasts never really seemed to
change. At the age of 16 I went to the doctor who examined them and just put
it down to late puberty however I am nearly 25 and my breasts haven't
changed much. Since then, I have had two children and breast feeding proved
problematical. When I had my first child, milk substitute was recomended
however after my second pregnancy I managed to breast feed normally with
help from my GP. I have always been skinny and currently weigh 6.5 stone. I
have never had any major medical problems."
Large pendulous breasts - typical... and normal. Ladies, quit worrying about your breast size and shape. It doesn't determine what you are as a person - and that's what counts, right?
Just kind of average size breasts, with erect nipples that are not centered. She breastfed two babies for 2 years with no problems. There is a a biopsy scar on the right breast.
![]() A middle-aged woman who has breastfed 4 babies. A small areola and small nipples - which is normal variation just like big areola and big nipples. |
![]() "Hi, I am 20 years old. I didn't start developing breast until I was in high school which wasn't really much. I used to be jealous of my friends who were B cup and higher. But then they started complaining about backache, running and the way they sleep. Last year my friend and I went shopping for clothes to wear out to a club and it was hard for her to find a shirt as nice as mine because her breasts are so big. I believe she's a DD or higher. My breast had always been a size 34-36A through my military career but now that I'm pregnant (first time being pregnant and what the picture is) they have grown to a 34B which isn't that big to some but to me because what I'm used to. I used to be ashamed of having small breast, being picked on by my sister and friends but now I don't care. I love the advantage of having smaller breast and the one who looks at me everyday loves them and my whole body! So its okay to have small breast and big nipples! "
![]() "I'm 18, I have been pregnant twice for about 2 months each time but I had miscarriages. I was a lot heavier at 12, 207 lbs. My weight has fluctuated for years but now at 5'10" I weigh 158 lbs. I'm alot healthier now and have worked hard to look better. I have always hated my breasts but thanks to this website and the resources listed here I'm slowly starting to accept them. I'll admit, sometimes I think about implants but my husband talks me out of it. I've always thought he hated them, and I still kind of do. I don't think its fair that someone who looks just like me in every other area will be considered more beautiful and sexier than me because she has fuller, rounder, or bigger breasts. I don't like the fact that society has distorted our views on breasts. I have a few light strech marks and I don't mind being included on your site or any other publication that helps women like myself understand, accept, and hopefully love their breasts and bodies."
![]() "Hi! I want to tell you how much I LOVE and appreciate your website! I
have always been critical of my breasts, especially after breastfeeding
three kids, and now I am able to see and appreciate just how wonderfully
normal they are... THANK YOU! Aftr seeing your page I went and had my
nipples pierced... I've always wanted to, but felt that my breasts were
not "pretty" enough... that they were too small, too saggy, etc.
I am 36, with three children, each of whom were breastfed for just over a year. My bra size is 36B, and I am 5'3", 150 lbs. I have stretch marks on my boobs, and have had them since adolescence. My left breast has a 3" scar from a lump biopsy eight years ago." |
![]() "I have been conscientious about the
shape and size of my breasts since a very early age, especially the large
size of my areolas. Therefore, I would like to help other women with their
breast appearance worries. I am 42 years old. I have had one child who I breastfed for approximately six months. My areolas have always been extraordinarily large...even as a pubescent girl."
![]() "Age 52, Two children, who are now 14 and 17. I breastfed the first for 9 months and the second for 11 months. Now I'm an athlete - I do triathlons. I'm 5 ft. 6 in and weigh about 170."
![]() "I am 20 years old. I have been pregnant before,
but I miscarried. Clinically, I am obese, but my breasts have been large
since I was young. I wear a 38D cup."
![]() "I'm 20 years old. I was pregnant when I was in high school, but I miscarried. I used to be very skinny and athletic until I was about 16 years old, when I went through a very rough time emotionally. At my heaviest I was about 40 pounds overweight. Right now I'm probably carrying about 20 extra pounds. My breast size went from about a 32B to a 38D and I have stretch marks at the tops of my breasts by my armpits because of my size fluctuation. I am still in the process of becoming comfortable with my own body. I have always loathed my breasts. I have large areolas and my nipples are inverted unless I feel a temperature change. I figured posting a picture of my breasts would help start the process of acceptance. "
![]() "Hi. I'm a woman of 29. I have 3 kids, all were breast fed for a short time only. I have not gained much weight but my breasts started to head south when I was a teenager. I was never happy with them but I have a man who loves them regardless. I'm so glad I found this site, it's very useful. Sometimes I wish I could afford to fix them, but I have learned to accept them."
![]() "Well here they are, my breasts! I am 26 years old, and have a 1 1/2 year old son whom I nursed for about 6 weeks before I could not produce enough milk to keep up to his monster appetite. My weight has yo yo'd up and down over the years alot. I love my 36D breasts even though one is just slightly smaller than the other .....nobody notices but me."
![]() "I am 37 and have had three children in the last nine years. My youngest is nine months old and still breast feeding each day. All of my children were breastfed, the oldest two for over a year each.
My breasts have always been large (E cup), however they have become quite huge since having children. I have always had a low body image esteem due to the look and sagginess of my breasts and was immensely appreciative of your website. I am currently a little overweight, finding it difficult to lose my excess fat since my youngest child was born. Unfortunately, even when I lose a lot of weight, my breasts remain large and droopy. I hope this helps other women who have breasts they think are unattractive realise that they are normal. Just like I am." |
![]() "I am 24 years old. I have been pregnant 3 times, but only have two children (one miscarriage).
I breastfed my first child for one year and then breastfed my second for only a month because of digestive problems.
I am 5'4 and as a teen I weighed 165 and wore a C cup bra. I lost 30 pounds in about 4 months and kept it off but my breasts went down to a B cup. When I got pregnant with both children I gained 40 plus pounds and went back up to a C cup. After breastfeeding my first I went down to an A cup and my weight dropped to 118. Now after my second I'm borderline A or B cup and I am 130 pounds. My breasts are droopy and my areolas are large and dark. I have lots of stretch marks from the rapid size changes. My right breast is larger and saggier than the left because that is the side my children favored when I breastfed. I've never had full looking breasts except when breastfeeding. Even as a teen before having children my breasts always seemed more pointy and droopy. I like my breasts fine now. I like not having to wear a bra all the time. I know that I look like a normal woman and anything else would just be fake. I've had people tell me they are shocked that I could breastfeed because I was so small chested, but that's just a myth. No matter what size your breasts are you can support the nutritional needs of a baby. " |
![]() "I am 25 years old, have a child who's almost a year old, have been brestfeeding the whole time (first six months exclusively) and plan to continue as long as my baby wants. In the picture my right breast is filled with milk and left is empty, that causes them to be really asymmetrical. Before pregnancy my left breast was a bit bigger and I had small B-cup, during pregnancy it went up to D and in the first weeks with the baby and milk up to DD. I am still having troubles getting used to bigger boobs, because I liked them when they were small and used to bind them sometimes. I have lost a lot of weight while breastfeeding (about 22 lbs) and I'm trying to get it back though I'm not underweight yet, it's my personal crusade against the fat war :) I have a tattoo on my chest and tattooes around my nipples, I used to have nipple piercings too and consider getting them done again when I'm not breastfeeding anymore. I also had a little milk even before I was pregnant, my gynecologist said it was propably because of too much prolactin but I didn't get it tested because it was never a problem for me. I have some stretchmarks that pregnancy caused, and I'm planning to use them as details in my future whole-chest tattoo."
![]() "I'm 24 years old and have a three-year old daughter. I breastfed my daughter for a week when she was born. I breast feed my daughter only on my right breast."
![]() "I am 22 years old and have been pregnant once but never carried any children to term. I'm 5'4 and 170lbs which leaves me short and stocky but I prefer to think of myself as voluptuous.
I love this website and the wonderful message it's sending. It has made me feel so good about myself, I want to share with other women and be a part of something that could help girls deal with feelings of inadequacy.
I've had my anxieties, like any woman. I've felt that my breasts weren't perky enough at so young an age and I've had some particular withholdings about the veins that stand out starkly and close to the surface of my pale skin. All the same, I've always loved my breasts as a part of my overall self and they suit me just fine. :) I hope every woman can eventually feel the same way." |
![]() "I am 34 years old and have had two children. I have attempted to breastfeed
both of them, and have failed both times! ... I am quite slim (size 10 / 12 in UK sizes
I think this is size 6 / 8 in USA) and tall (5 foot 10 inches) and have
always been so, however I have a big frame big hands, feet, head, etc.
so I dont look particularly petite.
My breasts have always been very small (AA cup), and even when I was pregnant I never made it out of an A cup I couldnt even buy a Maternity bra as they all start at a B cup. I have always been very self-conscious of my flat chest; I hated school communal showers, and even to this day wont change in a communal swimming pool changing room in case people think Im a freak. I actually prefer my breasts now (as pictured) to pre pregnancy as they are bigger, squashier and more breast like, I can even buy an A cup now, which is fantastic I feel much more female and voluptuous and a whole new world of underwear shopping has opened up before me (I really struggled before to buy underwear, and found the whole experience very upsetting as nothing fitted). ...I have considered having implants and decided against it beneath the worry and fear that I dont match up, is a belief that I shouldnt have to cut into and disfigure my own body to appear attractive to others, it is better to learn to accept myself and hope others will too. Thank you for your website, it is great. |