These pictures include women of Anglo-/Teutonic European, Semitic, N. Mediterranean, and N. East Asian, Native American, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed descent who come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. The main point is: there is enormous variation in what is normal. Sizes and shapes vary enormously. So don't worry, ladies!
Disclaimer: Some stories below are very frank and may mention various kinds of events and difficulties in people's lives (e.g. anorexia). does not necessarily endorse everything that is depicted in the stories/pictures.
![]() ![]() "The first photo (on the left) is hands down. The second photo (on the right) could be misleading because my arms are way over my head and I am sticking out my chest. I am 29 years old. I am obese but so far my boobs have just gotten bigger and not necessarily more saggy. Since I gained the past 20 lbs my boobs look more flabbly unless I am sticking them out with my arms over my head. They used to look fake (in a nice way) until I gained a lot of weight. They used to be the envy of all the girls at school. At least I'm fat now and people can't hate me for looking a certain way. I started
getting boobs when i was 9 and at my goal weight they are only a size 32 B. Right now they are a 44 C or D."
![]() "I am 23 years old. Never been pregnant. I have an average body except I'm 6' tall. I developed later than my friends but caught up my freshman year of college. I wear a 36DD. I used to be embarrassed about how big they are but now I am happy and thankful for them."
![]() "Love this website because it allows women to see everyone comes in all different shapes and sizes. I'm 49 years old, never been pregnant and fairly happy with my breasts. " |
![]() "I am 19 years old and I've never been pregnant. I'm average weight and I'm 5'9". I've never had any complaints about my breasts. Although I've thought about surgery, I think the right man will think I'm sexy just as I am!"
![]() "Hello! I'm 23 years old, I'll be 24 in a few months. I never been pregnant. My husband and I love my breasts and I don't have any issues with them. I really love what this website is doing for women of all ages, showing us that "normal" is a very broad term and it's not limited to a certain "look"."
![]() "My left breast is bigger than my right, and I have prominent Montgomery glands. It barely shows but I also have visible veins on
both breasts. Because of my size I can go braless without discomfort, but since my nipples are usually flat I'm extra self-conscious about "nipping
out" in response to friction or temperature. I didn't realize that my nipples point in slightly different directions until I tried to take a photo
of myself. I have one mildly inverted nipple, and fine hairs ringing both areolae.
I've always believed my chest was too small. Although I was delighted to discover last year that I'd been wearing the wrong size bra (34A) and moved up to a B-cup, I wasn't entirely satisfied. I've always wanted breasts with heft and cleavage -- breasts that actually droop a little when I take off my bra. At just over 100lbs, I'm a supporter of the Fat Acceptance movement, but sometimes it hurts my feelings when larger women point out how much more womanly or maternal/comforting their big breasts are. I still don't like the way my chest looks with my shoulders slumped, but when I straighten my posture and look in the mirror, I'm surprised by how I see myself now. Shallow as it may sound, I have to admit that moving to the larger cup size was the first step in adjusting my mindset. Once the label on the tag changed, I began to view myself differently. My breasts are round, full and proportionate to my frame. They even look big to me sometimes. It also helped tremendously when my 4-year-old niece cuddled up to me one night before bedtime, nuzzling her cheek against my breast like a kitten. Her mother's chest is many times more ample than mine, yet she was quite contented just then to be with with me. Even though I'd consider myself very satisfied with my breasts now, that doesn't stop me from wondering how it would look and feel to have a bigger chest. But the wondering seems different now -- it's more a matter of curiosity (and probably a dash of greed) than frustration. One lingering peeve: I wish more small-breasted women were shown in videos/books/websites that advocate breastfeeding." |
![]() "I am a 28-year-old American female, of mostly German and Danish ancestry.
Within the past year, I've lost over 50 pounds. My bra size decreased from a 36DD to a 34C-sometimes D. Throughout the weight loss process (and still) I've been quite anxious about the loss of breast volume and sagginess. However, it hasn't been nearly as bad as I feared. And now I am at a healthy weight (BMI 23.4) -- after having been borderline obese for almost all of my adult life. I do miss my larger breasts, but it's much easier to find bras now. It is likely that they'll get a bit smaller, since I would still like to lose a few more pounds. My left breast has always been slightly bigger than the right breast. When I was in my early 20s, I discovered a breast lump in the left breast; fortunately, it turned out to be benign (a fibroadenoma). It wasn't removed (only biopsied), and it's still in there. That makes me very self-conscious during physical intimacy. I've always been very self-conscious about my body, and have had incredibly low self-esteem for as long as I can remember. But even being able to submit this photo, really shows how much progress I've made in feeling comfortable in my own skin. It's a liberating feeling, to not despise my body and try to disassociate it from who I am as a person - but rather embrace it (and my breasts) as an integral part of who I am. I am very much looking forward to having a baby (though it's still likely a few years off for me to do so responsibly), and having my breasts provide nourishment for a growing little human." |
![]() "I am 24 years old, have never been pregnant. I am overweight but not obese. I first menstruated at 13 but had no breasts at all until I was 15, and didn't even need to wear a training bra. I was so delighted, at 15, to purchase and wear a 36B cup. Within 4 months, however, I moved from a B to a C and ultimately to a 36DDD.
I stayed at a DDD for several years, and then in college increased in size again, from a DDD to an F and further. I now wear a 36H or 34I cup. When I was young, I felt like an alien, but now I couldn't really picture myself with smaller breasts. I've never had any back pain from them - I can only guess I have the structure to support them. Because my chest grew so rapidly, I have stretchmarks around the outside of each breast. As you can see, I have very large areolae. My breasts are essentially the same in size, and both have appreciable sag - but how could they not at their size? Although there is some flatness at the top of the breast, they're pretty much full all around. I'm of Eastern-European heritage, and am pale, so the veins of my breasts are rather apparent as blue, green and violet tracings - you can see them in this photo. My mother has never been larger than a D cup, even when breastfeeding. Apparently both of my grandmothers had large chests, but none of their daughters did, and most of my aunts are "flat-chested". Who would have guessed? I appreciate what's being done with this gallery." |
The Power of PornographyThe following video goes into detail about a very important reason why PORNOGRAPHY exists and why it has so much power over people who get addicted to it. This reason is different from what most people think is behind the rise of porn, and in fact, may somewhat shock you. But — if you suffer from porn addiction and want help, you deserve to know this! The message of the video goes along with the thoughts explained in other parts of this site — such as how keeping breasts as a taboo actually CAUSES guys to become extremely curious, which then fuels sexual fantasies and can develop into an actual obsession towards female breasts. Source: |
![]() "Hi, I'm a 21 year old who has never been pregnant. I've been an
average, steady weight all my life. I had pretty severe
dermatillomania when I was a teenager, and still have some now.
Through some miracle, I have stretch marks on my thighs but nowhere
else. I was always extremely self conscious about the scars from my
picking, even though I was happy with the shape and size of my
breasts. It's hard for me to feel attractive during the summer,
especially at the beach, because of the scarring on my breasts and
arms. I've been getting more and more confident as I age, and this
website has been REALLY good for me. Thank you for all you do."
![]() "Age: 26; never been pregnant, but we've been trying for 2 years. I have severe PCOS and I don't ovulate on my own... leading to some challenging hormonal issues. I am obese at a size 20; yet my breasts are a 44B... the B cup still feels big on me though but I can't find any As in a 44. It's hard being a large woman with small breasts as most plus sized clothing only works on women with large breasts. My personal gripe about my breasts other than the size are actually the fat that seems to sit on top of them; making it look like I have almost 2 breasts. I do have stretch marks from when I rapidly gained weight after going off the birth control pill; the rapid weight gain was caused by my PCOS."
![]() "21 years old, active. I've been on birth control (NuvaRing) for a few years, but haven't noticed a change in my breasts at all.
I have had asymmetrical breasts since I was about 14, the left side is a D cup, the right side a small C. It's hard to go braless or underwire-less
because the left side is so much heavier than the right, and I wear
underwire bathing suit tops to help support and visually even them out a
little, though I never stuff my bra. I also have to wear pretty heavy duty
sports bras to hold the left one steady. Though they are so uneven, I
really like my breasts. I sometimes wish the tops of my breasts connected
more smoothly with my upper chest area, and that they were the same weight
on both sides, but that's all pretty minor and I don't hold it against them
for very long."
![]() "I am 20 years old. I have a 36DD/E bra size, but have stopped wearing bras due to severe back pain. I love or hate my
breasts depending on my mood. I love that they are full, the skin is soft and they will nurture my future children. I hate that they began to sag
recently (almost all of a sudden), maybe because I gained and then lost about 25 lbs. within a few months? I feel more self-conscious about them
when my nipples aren't erect, when I'm leaning over something, and when I can't fit into tops. I have white stretch marks and sometimes my veins show
through my pale skin. I've accepted my stretch marks as they've gotten lighter over the years, sometimes I even think they look pretty when they
shimmer in the sunlight. This website has helped me remember that my breasts are normal and natural, even for somebody my age. I think every young woman
should see these photos, the media's portrayal of female anatomy is distorted and unhealthy. Thank you for making this site!" |
![]() "I'm an 18 year old girl with a natural 36D chest (USA) and an average weight. My breasts are slightly assymetrical, had serious stretch marks (that have faded), have HUGE areolas that are very pale, and a flat nipple (usually). My first boyfriend told me (and a lot of other people) that they were ugly. I've been self-conscious about them ever since that happened, and only one other person has seen them since then. However, this morning, after looking at your website for a while, I had an epiphany. My breasts aren't ugly, they're just unique. Although, I still feel like my areolas are definitely the biggest I've seen on my size breasts, so it would be a good addition to your website."
![]() "I am 23 years old, never have been pregnant, and still dislike my boobs. I have always been self-conscious about them. They have always been big and not perky. One day I am planning on reduction surgery, I would just like to wait until I have children so I can breastfeed. I have always been normal weight, until I gained some weight recently so I went from a 34-C to a 34-D. This website does help me feel better about myself. I do have stretch marks, veins and the are a-symmetric."
![]() "I am 22. Never been pregnant. I have always been average body weight. Never obese, or thin. Right now I think I am a 32D. Have roughly been around this height and weight since puberty. Over the past few years I've noticed that mine are more saggy than friends and also have stretch marks. I developed at a really early age, I remember friends making remarks about them when I was in grade 4 and earlier. I have always wanted smaller breasts. And am contemplating getting breast reduction/lift when I can afford it. But I am hoping that losing some weight will help with their size. I'm really embarrassed by how saggy they are, it's stopped me from getting close to anyone, because I am too embarrassed for anyone else to see them. Although this site has helped me a lot in gaining a bit of confidence about it, I still don't feel comfortable with myself, and am ashamed." |
![]() "I'll turn 19 soon and I've never been pregnant. When I was a child I was fat and I lost weight very fast. I think I have a nice body, I have curves and I don't have extra pounds. The only thing that I don't like are my breasts. Currently I'm in an important relationship and I'm really ashamed to show my breast to my honey. And when he asks me "why" I never have the courage to tell him that I don't like my breast. For me it's a serious problem, I spend hours in front of a mirror looking at them and trying to convince myself that they are just fine. Thanks to this page I think I'm going to make a big step in accepting and showing my breasts."
![]() "I'm a 32 year old Asian woman. I'm not married and have no children. I'm obese and have noticed gradual sagging of my breasts. You can see stretch marks on the top of my chest. I like my breasts but I wish they were more perkier, firmer and rounder. I don't think I'll ever opt for surgical enhancement as I want to have children someday and breastfeed them. Thank you for such an informative site. It's good to learn one's not abnormal." |
![]() "I am 19 years old, and am somewhat on the small side. The last time I purchased bras, they were a size 32A. But two months ago, I began taking Yaz (a birth control pill), and my breasts have
grown from 32 inches around to 36 inches around, so I probably wear about a
32C now. I am quite happy with my breasts and their shape. The pill has
caused a lot of breast pain, tenderness, and swelling, but I
am comfortable with it now. I almost prefer my small breasts, as I am an
active runner and cycler, but I do admit that the larger size makes me feel
very feminine, and my man loves them as well (though he liked them
small, too).
This website is amazing, and I have told many of my friends about it. I hope this picture of my average looking (aka, beautiful) breasts helps other women know that their breasts are amazing as well. Thank you!" |
![]() "I am 21 and have never been pregnant. I have not gotten official measurements, but I wear DD bras. One tends to swim in the bra and one tends to overflow the boundaries of the bra. My boyfriend and I are rather happy with the size of my breasts. I learned in history class one day that it's good that I wasn't born a while ago. Something about busty girls crying themselves to sleep at night because they weren't flat chested like the best of flappers."
![]() ""Big or small, all the breasts on this site are beautiful. At age 30, I love my small breasts. I don't know what cup size I am, maybe an A cup? In the past I wore sports bras, but my new favorite "bra" is a piece of surgical tape over each nipple. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband who loves me the way I am. He calls my breasts "fun size" (like the mini candy bars) which I think is cute. Last year my mother underwent a mastectomy for breast cancer, which makes me realize I should appreciate what I have. Life is too short to obsess about physical appearance."
![]() "This website has had such a big and positive impact on me I figured I had to write. I'm 19, 36-C and have never been pregnant. I've been extremely self-conscious about my breasts since I got them, but thanks to this site I now frequently go bra-free. I always felt my breasts were very shapeless, far apart, too low on my chest and weren't round or perky like I would prefer them to be. However, I discovered this site a few years ago and thank goodness. Without seeing all these natural breasts I think my insecurities would have made it hard to have healthy relationships as I used to be very critical of myself. I've returned to your natural breast gallery many times over the years and it's helped so much. Recently I read your bra-free page and it made me realize that breasts as small as mine really don't need a bra, so I started to go without, but would look in the mirror and dislike how flat and droopy my boobs looked, and then it really hit me, how am I ever supposed to feel comfortable with my breasts if I'm constantly wearing a bra to make them look big, perky, and round--- the opposite of the way they ARE? I no longer wish to deceive myself and proudly go braless. I hate that it's so taboo because I really feel that it's extremely important in becoming comfortable with your breasts and honestly, I could have NEVER done it without this website! This is a wonderful and amazing thing, thank you so much!" |
![]() "I am a 30-year old, 5'4, who has never been pregnant and usually wears a 34 A or 32 B (the B is no bigger then the A it just fits better around my body). All of my life I have been ridiculed by friends (guys and girls) about having smaller breasts, as if I was less of a woman or something. At times, it really did affect my self-esteem. I am FINALLY beginning to appreciate my body and embrace my natural physique. I just wish that more women would, rather than getting implants, as then I wouldn't feel so abnormal for having smaller breasts (we are a dying breed!).
Also, no boyfriend has ever complained about me having smaller breasts, except one suggested that I get implants. I broke up with him the next day and did not look back! Thanks for your website. I think it's an amazing educational resource for women, especially in an age where we are constantly bombarded with false images of what our body "should" look like." |
![]() "I am 26 years old. I have never been pregnant. I have never had any surgeries or taken any sort of enhancement pills or used any off the wall creams. My breasts are all natural. Recently, I lost ten pounds very rapidly (and I can feel and see a difference in them due to that). I'm 5'9" tall, and weighed between 140 and 170 pounds since age 14. I have stretch marks and very thin, soft skin. I've been told that's because I developed very quickly at the young age of eleven. By the age of 14 I was in a 36D. I just learned I've gone up to a 36DD and I think I'm shrinking back down to a D. I've never been comfortable with the shape of them. The fact that they "point the wrong direction"... and my nipples only become erect when they're being stimulated aggressively or it's "titty freeze" cold outside, bothers me. I noticed they're sagging more than they did in high school, but they even sagged back then. I've always felt like a beautiful girl generally, and men always hit on me when I leave the house... but I never show my breasts for fear that men would run away in terror! I've been considering augmentation since I grew these things! I never liked showing them to anyone! My man says he loves them.
... this website has helped me in volumes in just a few minutes! It showed me that all the other REAL girls that our REAL men have seen are equal to us, although very different. I hope my breasts can make someone feel better about theirs like the breasts already posted have made me feel better about mine. KEEP IT UP! LADIES POST PICS OF YOUR LADIES TO HELP THE YOUNGER LADIES LOVE THEIR LADIES!" |
![]() ![]() "I'm 19, almost 20, and I'm a 32DDD/E. I used to wear a 34DD, but I got fitted, and my correct
size is much more supportive and comfortable. I'm lucky that my breasts are
pretty perky for their size after I wore the wrong bra size for so long!
From now on, I'll take the best care of them.
I started my period at 12 and have had several breast growth spurts since then. This year I gained a cup size (34D to 32E) while losing 15 pounds. I think I'm done growing, but I can't be sure. I've looked at this gallery a lot over the past two years. I used to be very self-conscious of my stretch marks, but they faded, and now I don't notice them except for one mark from this year's growth spurt. Seeing other girls' stretch marks makes me feel normal. I also used to think my nipples were abnormal because they weren't always erect, but looking at the gallery made me realize that many women my age have nipples like mine -- and we're gorgeous! I love how pale my areolas are, how creamy my breasts look, and the beauty mark on my right breast. I'm still a bit self-conscious of the occasional pimples on my chest and that my right breast is about half a cup size larger than the left. But my breasts are beautiful and healthy, and I wouldn't change them for anything!" |
![]() "Hello all you beautiful women! I'm 24 years old and a 34DD; I've been at least a C cup since I was 12. I've never been pregnant, breastfed, or been overweight. In fact, I'm a perfectly healthy and athletic woman. My breasts always had an effect on my self-esteem growing up. They were never small and perky like my fellow athletes and I even have the biggest areolas amongst my 4 sisters. The right is shaped differently than the left. I used to wear two sports bras to keep my girls strapped down when I ran. My breasts were always "saggy", "long", "too big", or "old-looking". That was before I stopped looking at magazine breasts and learned to love my body! I think my breasts are wonderful and they make me feel like a lovely and feminine woman."