These pictures include women of Anglo-/Teutonic European, Semitic, N. Mediterranean, and N. East Asian, Native American, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed descent who come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. The main point is: there is enormous variation in what is normal. Sizes and shapes vary enormously. So don't worry, ladies!
Disclaimer: Some stories below are very frank and may mention various kinds of events and difficulties in people's lives (e.g. anorexia). does not necessarily endorse everything that is depicted in the stories/pictures.
![]() "I am 23 years old, bra size 10C (Australian). I feel quite comfortable with my breasts, despite that
the areola area is puffy and quite large, especially on the right breast. I have stretch marks that aren't very visible because my skin is quite pale. As a teen I was much more self conscious of them than I am now."
![]() "I am 20 years old, I have never been pregnant, I do suffer from stretch marks, but most of the red color in them have gone away... My nipples are pretty much all areola, but you can barely see the areola's color... you could before when I was about 18 but then I went tanning and then the pink color went away, my nipples are usually always hard (which I kind of like!) My opinion: is I'm very proud, and I love my breasts!"
![]() "I am 18 years old and have never been pregnant. I recently went from an E to a DD, and am hoping to get smaller. I am slightly overweight, but mainly im just very curvy. I have lost and gained weight over the past five years which has given me stretchmarks on my breasts. I am happy with my breasts, to which I partly owe to this website - It's a real eye opener!"
![]() "I just came across your site and found it to be totally awesome. I'm 20 5'2" and have a slim build. Always felt that with those small breasts I looked kind of funny because find so many girls around me who are much younger but are full figured. I've been through a lot of teasing most part of my school years for being super skinny as I was a mere 93 lbs. I've managed to gain a few pounds in the last few months and kind of feel my breasts have a little more volume. Right now come to a point where I feel breasts are the least of things that matter. Your site reminded me just that. Just like most other women who have a say in your forum... I feel soo much better now!"
![]() "Hi! I have thoroughly enjoyed your website and the message you are sending out: It's ok to be me! It's ok to be anything! I saw very, very few 32C or 32D sizes and would like to have this size represented. Here are my stats:
Age: 22 Bra size: 32C or 32D (depending on bra styles) Body type: Slender, pear shape I have always struggled with thinking my breasts are too small for my body and proportions - I am skinny up top, but have wide hips. I was a "late-bloomer" at 14 and a very slow developer. I stuffed for years until my I met my boyfriend. I feel they are too far apart and somewhat deflated looking. However, I'm slowly growing to accept them :) I also would like to comment on bra sizes in the US - bra sizes are determined by proportion and actual boob mass. A 32D = 34C = 36B = 38A, etc (the actual amount of breast tissue is equivalent) so a 32D is not nearly as big as a 34D (same mass as 32DD) or a 36D (same mass as 32DDD)." |
![]() "I'm 26, I'm 34 B. I was overweight all through my teens. I was 36C in high school. I lost over 35lbs and my size changed. I never liked my breasts. To me they never had a great round shape and always seem little too saggy. And it seem like my rib cage was too big for my little breasts. I have also lost a lot of fat in them due to me working out and weight lifting. I always wanted to have breast implants, but now I learn to live with them and love them! I'm proud I lost all that weight and learn to love my body just the way it is."
![]() "Hello, I'm 28 and I wear a 32D. I've never been pregnant. I have a petite body
frame. I'm 5'8" and I weigh 133. My mom, who is petite like me has small breasts.
I, on the other hand, have rather large breasts for a small girl. The thing to
remember is NOBODY'S breasts are perfect. My left breast is a lil larger than my
right, and that bothered me a little bit until I ran across this site and
realized that everyone's breasts are like that. One thing I think all women should
do is go get professionally fitted for a bra. I did a few weeks ago and I am so
much more comfy in my bra. The band stays in place and my breast don't spill
over any more. Thanks so much for this helpful site!!!"
![]() "I am 54 and have never had children. I thank you for this web site. I have been obsessing over my breasts for most of my life. Taunted as a child for being "flat" and later made to feel inadequate by all the men in my life, it is nice to see I am not alone. Not that it is ok, far from it. You have not lived until the man you love offers to pay half the cost for you to get breast implants. By the way I did go to a doctor for implants and was horrified to know not only am I small, but I am smaller on one side! I am worried that I have started looking for the "perfect" boobs to show a doctor what I want. But I fear I will be told I will not look like I see as the perfect for me, but something the doctor thinks is "best for me". So finding this site has been very helpful. I am not so bad the way I am. I am not the only one put down because of what the male population thinks as acceptable.
Thanks for listening." |
![]() "I'm a 33 year old American, wear a 34B bra and have never been pregnant. I was on birth control pills from age 17-32 which caused me to have breast cysts that have now disappeared. I felt pressure by the fashion industry, friends and family to get breast implants, but resisted because I've always liked the way my breasts look and feel. I still feel self-conscious every now and then (stretch marks are slightly visible, grow hair around my nipples, wish I could go braless without people staring and don't have cleavage). Luckily I have a husband who loves me the way I am, and found friends who think I'm beautiful inside and out. I was fortunate enough to donate healthy breast tissue from my right breast to the Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank last year for breast cancer research. I want to empower other women to be healthy, happy and feel beautiful."
![]() "I have visited your site a couple of times, because I find it very
inspiring. I don't think that it is normal for people to have some certain
"like" when it comes to female breast size or shape, because all women have
beautiful bodies or can improve them in a natural way to be such.
I am almost 19 years old, Northern European, never been pregnant. I have never been skinny, also have never had too much extra weight. My breasts started developing at the age of 13 and now they are 38D or 38DD (depending on the bra model). Sometimes I find it frustrating that I can't buy a good supporting sports bra, because they tend to have smaller cups. I've always been satisfied with my breasts. Sometimes I think it would be more comfortable if they were smaller, but I have never considered breast-reduction. I really do like my breast shape and the fact that they look very feminine in a low cut dress. I do have some stretch-marks on the very top of my breasts, but they are barely noticeable, since I am very pale (I guess this is the first time I consider it a perk). Sometimes I think it would be a bit more proportional, if my nipples were bigger, but I calm myself down with the idea that they definitely will be after pregnancy/breast-feeding." |
![]() I am a 23 year old white female. I am about 5'3, and currently 115 lbs. I have always been very thin, due to a fast metabolism, and struggle to gain weight. I don't really ever lose, but for the longest I was plateued out at 95. I felt the most self concious about my body in high school and middle school. I was so small in high school, that my peers would often harass me, especially other females, and spread rumors that I had anorexia or bulemia. Sometimes one would start a lie that she heard my throwing up in the bathroom during lunch and spread it around the school. I have never had a history of eating disorders. I was just made this way. My parents were both very thin at my age as well, and did not fill out until my mom got pregnant and my dad hit 40 or so, probably because those events slowed down their metabolism. I did not really start to fill out chest-wise until 10th grade, and even then, my breasts were small. One of my most upsetting memories is a time when I was sitting at the nerd table at school, (I was the only female in the nerd group, I always hung out with guys because I found women to be more cruel and catty), and this girl walked up to one of my friends and leaned down to whisper in his ear. I asked what that was about once she left, and he said that she had asked him if I had started stuffing my bra, because anorexics don't have boobs like that. Now that I am older, and my breasts have filled out, and I have gained some weight, I feel much better about them. I am a 34 B, and I find that they fit nicely with my body size. They are proportional. My scoliosis makes them a little lopsided. One is slightly bigger and fuller than the other, but I think the scoliosis makes it a bit more noticeable. Thank you for this album. I think it is important that women learn reality instead of relying on the perceptions they get from the media. The breasts we see on attractive women in magazines aren't necessarily even real anymore, in the age of photoshop and photo touching. The most exposure that many of us get to naked breasts are in porn, if we even watch porn, and those women are cherry picked to appeal directly to what men want to see. This album shows reality. You ladies are not freaks, you are not ugly, and you are not alone. The variations in how breasts look are far more vast than what our culture shows us.
![]() "I'm 26 years old, never been pregnant, and wear roughly a 38D. I was
born 2 months premature and one of my lungs collapsed when I was several
days old, which necessitated the use of a chest tube. Scars from that
chest tube remain with me to this day and cause a unique "crease" right
under my left armpit. I didn't pay much attention to this crease until I
started noticing how asymmetrical my breasts were. The scar keeps my
left breast from sagging as much as the right and keeps it smaller. I'm
much more okay with this now than I used to be - I used to worry that
someone would call me out on having uneven breasts. I always used to
(and sometimes still do) dislike my nipples, since they don't fit the
stereotype of what a nipple should be - perfectly round areola with a
semi-long nipple jutting out. A middle school friend matter-of-factly
informed me at the time that I would never be able to breast feed with
the set of nipple that I've got. What a fountain of information 12-year
olds are.
I also have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which, as an endocrine/metabolic disorder, leads to a LARGE amount of body shame/embarrassment. My body positivity still needs a lot of work because of that, but it's certainly nice to stop worrying about my breasts." |
![]() "19 y/o, third nipple on lower left breast. Bumpy and poofy nipples. I don't wear a bra (horrible for lymphatic drainage) so unknown bra
size. Midwifery student with no pregnancy yet, but when I am these mammaries will be in baby's mouth on demand past toddlerhood. Let's
make a site like this but about vulvas, surely women are far to embarrassed by their own, and that needs to change!" |
![]() "I started developing when I was 21 after starting on birth control.
Had some problems with the birth control after about 6 months so they
took me off. Then when I was 23 they put me back on it because my
periods were so heavy and cramps were severe. I went from a B to a C.
At 24 I stopped taking it again and at 26 started up again. Went from
a D and stopped taking it at 28 and after 6 months busted into DD. I
have never been pregnant and I went through bulimia for a year in
college and lost about 30 pounds. What has me a little worried is the
fact that the center muscle where i should have cleavage is so tender
sometimes it hurts to even hug someone tight."
![]() "I'm 19 years old and have never had any children. Your site has made me feel a lot more comfortable with myself as I always assumed everyone's breasts were so much larger than mine, but I guess that's not the case! Thank you so much!" |
![]() "Hi! My friend who added her breasts about three years ago suggested I should do the
same, and after browsing through your website I found I wanted to be part of the
great gallery of normal breasts! There are so many beautiful ones. I hope you will
put mine on the page, and thank you for a great iniative. My breasts were small in my early teens, but when I was about fourteen they suddenly grew a lot. And I got stretchmarks, which I hated at the time, but now I actually like them. Now I am 22, and even though I sometimes feel my breasts could be smaller and more perky I love them. "
![]() "Hi, I am 25 years old slavic girl from central Europe. I have never been
pregnant. I was always very slim. I am healthy. My hormonal profile is ok and I
have regular menstruation from age 13. I don't wear bra, because I don't want
a guy who wants my push up but I want a guy who wants my real body. Many people
abase me but it makes me stronger. Sometimes I am crying because of others behaviour but I have enough self-esteem to be myself. Your website is very
helpful for many girls and women. Thank you."
![]() [Note: The owner of these breasts did not mention if she has been pregnant or not.]
"I just wanted to thank you again for how great your site is. It's made me feel sooo much better about different questions I've always had. I was reading about the different nipple sizes and colors bc I have ALWAYS been so self-conscious about mine. I don't know if they're normal but I'd like to send you a pic to use as I saw so many people volenteering to share their uniqueness. Thank you so much again." |
![]() "Thanks so much for this site! It has helped me with my issues concerning my
breast size and appearance. I'm a 25 year old African American and I've never
been pregnant. I was a size 5-7 and was 130-135 lbs up until I was 21 years
old. I gained 50 pounds in a matter of three years due to stress and
depression. From age 9 I started to develop breasts and up until I was 16 I
liked them because they were a size B and sat up. I always thought that they
pointed in different directions and I also have grade B inverted nipples.
After 16 they grew to a small C and then after 21 they shot up to a D and
now I'm a double D. They sag and have a watery feel to them. It has taken me
years to love them and accept that they are not perfect. Once again I'm really
glad that I stumbled upon this site."
"I am a 21 year old woman. Up until about three hours ago when I discovered this web site I had never seen a real breast
in my entire life. I was introduced to porn star breasts when I was about 13 and I have been insecure about mine ever since. I developed into a size B cup when I was 10, and by the time I was 13, I was a full C. During Jr. High I suffered severe criticism and torment from other students, both male and female, for having significantly larger breasts than most. I began duct taping my breasts down from 13 to 15 years old. I have not allowed another person to see my breasts until very recently, and I'm still uncomfortable with
them, to a "relationship ruining" degree. I don't know how I developed such severe stretch marks (from my areola to my armpit) and sagging, but it greatly hinders my self esteem. I don't feel any better about my appearence, but I do think this website is extremely important and I hope I can help."
![]() "I am a 23-year old woman who has always been self-conscious about my breasts. Your website has confirmed for me what I always suspected but never knew: I am not alone! My breasts are not "perfect"; I am skinny with a small B-cup and huge areolas, and they're slightly asymmetrical. I used to only take my shirt off if it was cold because I thought they looked nicer that way!
Warmly. Ps. I have never been pregnant, nor have I ever been on birth control." |
![]() "I'm 23 and my breasts have always been small. I've always hoped they would
get bigger but now I don't want to delude myself anymore. I've tried almost
everything to make them grow (eg. herbal treatment) except surgery.
Unsuccessfully. Now I know that was a loss of time and money, as it's
impossible! I'm bigger at the bottom and slimmer on the top and I see my body won't be
proportional as our culture wants it. I need to accept that and I learn that
a bit year by year. I know there are lots of women with petite breasts but
we just don't show it up (both in mass-media and in streets by wearing
push-ups). I feel sometimes jealous of bigger breast of other women. I used
to wear soft bras, which was much comfortable, but recently I changed into
push-ups. I'd like to thank all women and girls who wrote here, let's do our best to
love our body the way it is and be proud of it."
![]() "I am a 21-year old woman, have never been pregnant, and maintain a
healthy weight.
I was, however, obese at several points before and during puberty. I developed at a really young age and was never really taught to wear bras. I lost a lot of weight quite quickly between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, and my weight yo-yo'd through middle school, where I tried to get fit through exercise but never knew to wear a proper sports bra. That's when I noticed my breasts began to really droop and stretch marks appeared all over them, at about the ages of twelve and thirteen. As a teenager, I used to cry myself to sleep about it. Although I've lost the weight, there remains some loose skin all over my body and my 32DD breasts can tend to look small and deflated. No other women in my family have breasts like mine, even though we have very similar body shapes and faces. They all have fuller cup sizes too, but much fuller and perkier breasts with smaller areola. I realize now that the way my breasts have developed is a result of my childhood obesity, fluctuating weight and lack of breast support during exercise. I have my "good breast days" and my "bad breast days". I am glad that I'm healthy and look good in clothes. From some angles I really love my breasts, and fortunately I've never had hurtful comments made about them (from anyone except my Mom) since I was in school. Having DDs makes me feel feminine. However, sometimes seeing myself in the mirror makes me sad that my breasts aren't as full or perky as other breasts I've seen (although they do tend to become fuller and firmer in the week or so leading up to my cycle). This website is a blessing. It's shown me that there's nothing wrong with my breasts and that many women my age have gone through the same self image problems, feelings and weight issues and have similar breasts to mine. It's helped to remind me that a woman's body is a miracle and not a sexual object. I think we all tend to compare and judge ourselves far too harshly whilst overlooking what makes us beautiful and unique. I'm really thankful I found 007b and hope that sharing my story helps other women feel positive about their bodies, breasts, and their femininity." |
![]() "I am 25 years old and I've never been pregnant. I am below my recommended weight due to bulimia, and mostly avoid wearing bras because I have never felt comfortable while wearing them.
I got really upset with my breasts, mainly when I started noticing they hadn't the same size, and noticed that my right breast was a little more separated from the other making possible to see and touch a bone that's not possible on the left breast. I have been told that's normal, but I couldn't stop thinking about it until I have found this web page. I check it often when I start getting paranoid, and it helps me a lot because I see we really find them in many different shapes and sizes :)"
![]() "I am 30 y/o, 5'11", 170lbs, never been pregnant, was on birth control for 2 months of my life. Developed into a C cup by grade 6, age 11. And now I fluctuate between a 32g-gg. I have always had trouble with my breast, but now I love them. They are heavy, hurt my back, but I love them. I have never touched them. They are super sensitive around periods, and under certain types of clothing, but I wouldn't change them at all. Right now it is a few days before my period, and they are huge. I have often contemplated surgery. They seem to go down when my weight fluctuates, but always stay out of proportion to the rest of my body (way bigger than what is considered normal) your site inspired me not to be ashamed of how they hang. Thank you!"
![]() "I am 34 years old. Till age 24 I was anorexic, my breast size was 75A. They were not in the same size. I have never felt comfortable with them.
In the last years I gain a lot of weight (too much [about 15 kg]) but the only good thin is that my breast got bigger (80c).
Although I am fat now I feel more female than I ever before. Recommended by my friends I need to do a diet."
![]() "I am a 23-year old female who has struggled with my breast image all of my adult life. I wanted to thank you so much for your website! I broke down and cried when I looked at the galleries! I was always insecure about my nipples but your site made me realize I'm not the only one and that I'm beautiful just how I am :)"
![]() "Here is my breast photo for the website. I thought it was really helpful for me because a few years from now, I started having some problems about the look of my breasts. I am a bit shy about showing them because of the sagging. I am 20 years old and never been pregnant. I would love to have full beautiful breasts, and surgery one day in future is in my options."
![]() This lady is 21 yrs old, never been pregnant and has DD breast. She loves the size and shape of her breast but could do
without the freckles on her right breast. She also doesnt like the bumps that are around her nipples. |
![]() "I'm 20 years old, a size 8-10 and I've never had a child. My weight has yo yo'd for years but I've never been really over weight. I've hated my boobs since I was like 13, when I was that age they were very triangular and my nipples rarely came out. All my friends were different with nice rounded boobs and I hated them. Now I'm older they seem to have filled out a bit and my nipples stand out when I'm cold! Otherwise they're normally quite flat, veiny and just not rounded lol looking at this gallery has helped me a lot. I always worried I was the only one with 'saggy'
boobs but today I've learned everyone is different! And just cos they're not perfect doesn't mean they're not beautiful! I didn't see boobs just like mine so I hope this picture helps someone just like me. Know you are not alone! And FYI my boyfriend has never said anything against my boobs! It's just me that has the issue :)"
![]() "I am a 28 year old, Caucasian American of Irish/German decent. I have
never given birth. I have always had small breasts and in the past was self
conscious of their appearance and ashamed to show them to people. Each nipple grows
a few hairs just outside of the areola that I pluck every month or so. I have
learned to accept my breasts for the size and shape that they are and am finally
learning to love my body."
![]() "Normal breasts. No pregnancies. Great website. I was a late developer and didn't get my first bra until I was 16. I
always considered myself relatively flat-chested and always wore the wrong sized bra with no underwire and baggy tops. I was surprised in my 30s when I got my first bra fitted by an expert. I was a 34D. I am now aged 47 and size 36DD or E. A good bra works wonders."
![]() "Thank you for creating your website. I always felt insecure about my breast size and now I appreciate them. I'm a 25 years old afro-caribbean female who have never been pregnant nor breastfed. I wear a size 32A but like to buy bras in size 32B. I'm 5'3. I have a pear shape body so fats tend to go on my buttocks/hips/and legs instead of the top. I hope this picture helps someone feel proud about their breast size."
![]() "I am 19 years old. I have never been pregnant or breast fed. I have always had small
breasts but have been fine with it."
![]() "I am 5'2 average weight, 22 yrs old. Have never been pregnant. I was just
looking at the site again and it really did help put things in better perspective for me so thanks again. Thanks again
for the support your site has brought me."
![]() "Me looking at other women's breasts, for me was educational, as like many others I always felt inadequate, I
now feel not as bad as I did."
![]() "I'm 18 years old and have never been pregnant. As you can see, I do suffer from acne on my breasts, chest and cleavage and have done so ever since I can remember! I just hope I grow out of it at some stage. I started to develop when I was around 10/11, so I was a bit of an early bloomer. I'm currently a 38D or DD depending on where I buy the bra from. However, I have put on weight somewhat steadily for the past 2 years because of stress and a bad back stopping me from doing what I love doing sports-wise, so they did get correspondingly larger as a result. I'd love to lose weight but I'm so worried that they will sag even more if I do! I'm very self conscious about my breasts, and am aware of the asymmetry of the areolas and the breasts themselves, along with the sagging. Nobody has seen me totally naked apart from myself, I'm much too ashamed of my breasts to let anyone else see me. Having just written that sentence and having read over it, I think it's such a shame that myself and so many other women and young girls feel that way about our own bodies. Our body is ours ours after all, no one else's. Although, I can't help but think that I would probably be more at peace with them if we saw more 'normal' breasts in the media rather than all these pneumatic models and celebrities... Wishful thinking, I know!"
![]() "I wanted to thank you for this incredible website and to let you know that you have made a difference in combating the body hatred many women struggle with. I found as a university student years and years ago while looking for information on breast lifts. I'm now 31 and wanted to share my story as a way of giving back.
My breasts have pretty much always been large and 'saggy'. My mother criticized my breasts mercilessly for their sagging when I was a teenager, and by the time I left home I was convinced that anyone else would think my breasts were hideous too. I hated my body for a long time afterwards, but that self-hatred began to lift after I thumbed through the gallery of normal breasts on this website and discovered that my boobs -- asymmetrical as they are -- were pretty normal too. Our bodies are all so beautiful. Here are my breasts. My bust size is 32" but I'm not sure of my cup size anymore, as I haven't worn a bra in over a decade -- I'm kind of a hippie. They've been through some changes -- weight loss due to increased physical activity, then sickness and now slow weight regain. My nipples are fairly large and kinda hard to hide, so I just shrug and deal with it. I'm black, 5'8" and currently weigh ~140 lbs. I now love my body, all of it, and wouldn't change it for the world." |
![]() "I'm 26, never been pregnant, 5'8" and 120lbs. My bra size is 32D (or occasionally 34C). Looking at them I know that nobody would think my breasts are D's. I wore an ill-fitting 36B for ages, because I thought 'I look like a B cup.' When I finally got measured and switched to a 32D it was a Heureka moment. I was flat as a teen and excruciatingly self-conscious about it, but now I'm really glad my breasts are smallish. Big breasts look great on many women, but I think they would overbalance the rest of me.
There are plenty of things about my breasts that I am self-conscious about. One breast is somewhat bigger (and droops more) than the other, and I have wide-set breasts, which means I will never have much cleavage. However, this website is a wonderful reminder that my breasts are just fine as they are. Thanks 007b! TIP: If you're self-conscious about your breasts being lopsided, try turning a picture of them upside down. Upside down, your brain doesn't have preconceived ideas about how your breasts look, so it won't be able to automatically fixate on what's 'wrong' with them. You will probably see that any lopsidedness is not nearly as obvious as it seems to your own hyper-critical eye." |
![]() "I am a twenty year old female, and my breasts tend to have a mind of their own. They usually fit a AA or an A cup depending on many different factors such as stress, mood, weight, and hormonal changes also effects their size (nothing drastic though). I stumbled unto this site I want to say about two years ago. I was trying to look up boob jobs and what not, and to see if I am the only one with itty bitties. I have always been self-conscious about their size, I even cried at Victoria's Secret when they said that I am an AA cup. I have used birth control for about 5/6 years now and I never really gained weight, or bigger breasts. I only gained weight with the depo shot though, but my cup size stayed the same at about a AA/A. Anyways, I realized that though they may be small that I should be proud of what I have. This site made me feel so such better seeing that I am not the only one. I still do want a boob job, but I don't absolutely need it, maybe after I have children and have the money (I would only do it for myself, not to impress anyone or for anyone). For now I am happy with what I have, I have a wonderful husband-to-be and he loves them just the way they are, he wouldn't change them for the world, and he has also helped me with my complexes other than just my boobs. He loves me just the way I am."
![]() "I am an 18-year old female of mixed heritage (Asian and Caucasian.) I am 5'1" and my weight varies but is generally around 130 lbs. I have more of a pear shaped body. I wear a 32D and 32DD bra at Victorias Secret depending on the line. My breasts aren't
that large, so it's surprising to some people that that is my bra size. I didn't wear a bra until I was about 13. I started developing at 11. Initially I didn't know my exact size and just wore 34B which was what my sister wore but they fit uncomfortably and the band was much too large. Having a D cup size doesn't necessarily mean your chest is visibly ample. I've also heard Victoria's Secret vanity sizes things, so with other bras I might be more of a 34C but they tend to not fit well. I never used to be interested in having breasts, I honestly despised mine as a preteen and refused to wear a bra and would often bind my chest, but I then grew more comfortable with my body and now I love lingerie. I'm relatively happy with my breasts as they are round and perky. They are almost completely symmetrical. Taking this photo was the first time I noticed that the left is slightly misshapen. I do wish my breasts were slightly larger. They fit my frame well but I've
considered breast augmentation. I get breast envy from models and unrealistic beauty standards. I've always been slightly insecure of my areolas. I wanted them to be pink and not brown. This site has really helped to open my eyes to the diversity of breasts and how most women really don't have porn star, even, perky breasts. Thank you."
![]() "I am UK size 30H (I believe the US equivalent is 30K). My breasts are pendulous, vascular, and have large, light colored areolas (and tan lines)--they are also extremely soft and plush. I am white, nearly 30 y/o, 5'2, 145lbs, and never been pregnant. I have no back problems, or pain of any kind. It took me most of my life to become comfortable with my breasts. They are most definitely not what I saw on TV. My breasts were the only real breasts that I had seen for most of my life, and I didn't realize how each woman's breasts are as unique as fingerprints. I have learned, that while there is an "ideal" for the media (a business), there is no ideal in real life, and men, women, and children alike enjoy all shapes and sizes. My husband and I love my breasts, and I wouldn't change them for the world. I cannot wait to use them for what nature intended someday! We are all perfect in our uniqueness. Thanks for this beautiful and educational website!!"