Normal Breasts Gallery, part F
Women who have been pregnant
These pictures include women of Anglo-/Teutonic European, Semitic, N. Mediterranean, and N. East Asian, Native American, Black or African American,
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed descent who come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. The main point is: there is enormous variation in what is normal. Sizes and shapes vary enormously. So don't worry, ladies!
Disclaimer: Some stories below are very frank and may mention various kinds of events and difficulties in people's lives (e.g. anorexia). does not necessarily endorse everything that is depicted in the stories/pictures.
"I am 30 years old and have 1 child whom I breastfed for 18 months. My breasts went back to their pre-pregnancy size after weaning. My left breast has always been significantly larger than my right by about 1 cup size. I have chest and back acne, worsened by wearing a bra." |
"I am a 32 year old mother of an 8, 6, and 2 year old. I pumped milk for a
year for each of them because I overlactated and none of them wanted to
latch. I have survived ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, and a complete
hysterectomy. I was an a cup priori to the first pregnancy. With each
pregnancy, I grew to a 32 DD. I am less than an a cup now." |
"My breasts have always embarrassed me; I've always hated them. I am
married, I have three children, but my husband has not seen my naked breasts for
years. I am 40 years old.
The reason I sent these pictures is not because I enjoy gratuitously exposing myself
... far from it. However, I believe that body image problems for girls and women
only start with the breast. Ultimately it is the whole body that becomes the
problem. That is why I feel that posting my breasts (again! I have been here once
before) plus a bit (a lot) of extra flesh(!), and furry bits, might help to put the
breast issue into perspective." |
"Like almost every other woman on your website I have struggled for years with my self esteem. My stats are - 19years old, 5'4, 77kg's with a 36F cup. I used to be a lot slimmer but have put on 25kg's due to Hyperthyroidism. My bra size used to be a 32D. I have been pregnant once briefly and did lactate for awhile (also lately due to my thyroid), my breasts have been quite 'full' since. They used to be somewhat deflated... I definitely prefer myself more with a bra on than without! I have a lot of stretch marks on my breasts too, most are faded but there are some stubborn ones.
What you are doing is great, and the same could be said for other body parts - not just the breasts. Tummy, bum, or even vagina? I remember watching a documentary on women having plastic surgery on their vaginas to make them look more 'normal'. Anyway, very inspirational website. Thankyou :)" |
"I have been pregnant, but never had children. Only a few months in unfortunately ;( I have thought about trying again, but I am already
37! ) I started developing breasts at a young age. My mother was also very well endowed. I got stretch marks on my hips and breasts due to
how rapidly I developed in my early teens. It was horrible for me. I was picked on A LOT.
When I was 18-19 I lost about 20-25 pounds. My exercise reduced, as I got a full-time job, and my body didn't change much for
about 6 -7 years...My breasts had shrunk down to a C cup and stayed there, and I was so happy. However, during any weight gain, it goes straight to my breasts and
saddle bags!
I have been jogging and walking again. I have decreased in size again,
but I am still a 34 D @ 5"2 and 115 pounds. I never WANTED to know
truly how large my breasts were, so I would always wear bras that
didn't fit (I know that's awful).
I have always felt they were ugly and looked saggy. I have never been
able to wear a tank top or anything without the support of a bra.
Finding clothes is a nightmare, and they are very uncomfortable when I
am around 130 pounds or any higher. I think my highest weight ever was 140, fully
clothed, at the doctor's office.
Reading some of the stories on the site I could relate to. It is very
difficult on young women. You are teased mercilessly and both the boys
and girls are bad (In middle school/junior high)! It gets a little
better in high school at least.
I just wish I could give all the girls a hug that have to go through
what I did. Exercising is difficult also *a lot of jumping around*,
etc. But it isn't too bad now that I have lost 10-15 pounds.
My boobs were the same sagginess when I was 19 and lost weight. I am short
waited so my boobs seem to be in my lap when I am not wearing support.
I hope this continues to help all females understand that breasts are NOT
perfect naturally!! Only on the special occasion they are small (and even
then, they aren't always perfect looking!!)" |
"This is after four children and no breast feeding at age 55. I think I am undersized for a grown woman. By age twenty I always bought the enhancer cups and pads to look presentable. I am happier with the size now, it seems the breasts are maybe one and a half ounces bigger than before and that's enough to improve my disposition about the subject. I have taken saw palmetto and a multi-vitamin for years and I think this added the volume, especially the saw palmetto. I gain more weight on the hips and upper thigh so I diet to make the breasts seem larger. I don't lose weight in the breast area when I diet." |
"22-year old mother of a 3yr old, breast fed 8 months. Always had small breast. My areola got larger during pregnancy and breast feeding and remained larger. I have always been and still am self conscious of my breast and want a C. I currently wear 36B with padding, but could fit a 36 A. This site helped me tremendously because I thought my slight cone shaped, tiny, large areola breasts were weird but I was so wrong and now I do like them more and now just wish they were fuller but happy with nipples and shape. Thanks 007b." |
"I am a 21-year old mother of a 7-month old baby. I always had small breasts (32aa) but during pregnancy I went up to a 36C. I loved my breast for the first time in my life, but when I started to breastfeed I got an over supply issue and my baby started to refuse my left side. Eventually I gave up trying and it deflated. I got measured at a 32DD, so I can only imagine how big my breast would actually be if they were both the same size of my larger breast. Thank you 007 for your beautiful site showing what REAL breast look like." |
"I'm a 49 year old woman with 34DD breasts. I have stretch marks and one breast larger then the other and I have hated my breasts for years and so I hid behind minimizer bras. Because of the information on this website I no longer wear minimizers and I'm much happier. I have had one pregnancy and breastfed my child for 3 months and stopped because of lack of support from my family and I regret that decision to this very day. If you are able I would strongly suggest you try breastfeeding. It's a beautiful bonding moment between mother and child. Thank you ladies for showing me that no two women are alike. We are all uniquely beautiful!" |
"I'm 34. Breast fed twins (for 3 weeks) and singleton (just 3 days - way too painful. He had a very strong sucking reflex) Five years have passed since feeding.
I always thought my breasts were a little too small. I wore a 34B until I got measured last year. I'm actually a 34DD! I instantly felt happier with them.
Society defining large breasts as more appealing has obviously affected my subconcious.
When I perceived them as small, I thought about augmentation. Now I'm not interested.
Your website is inspirational. I will definitely show it to my children. If I had been educated sooner about how varied breasts can be, I'd have loved them sooner." |
"I'm nearly 21, I've had a child but haven't breast fed. I have lots of big dark stretch marks and I think they are super saggy." |
"I am 38 years old ... and I wear 42 K bra size ... I am not really obese but slightly overweight due to my Italian side. My grand-mother have huge breasts like me ... I measure 52 / 38 / 43 and 5 ft. 7 inches. I don't have any problem with my huge breasts, only the look of the people ... Big eyes all the time ... My breasts started to grow at 13 years old but after I have been pregnant they became really huge to 38 D to 42 K
I never breastfeed because during and after birth , I had a pre-eclampsia ( high blood pressure!) but my breasts as always inflated during 4 to 9 months before ... and after my breast stayed huge ... 42 inches before pregnancy and 52 inches after ... and when my period my breast grows to 54 inches ... but always no pain ... embarrassing during sport only.
Everybody talks to me to have breast reduction ... I have no back or neck pain .... I am very confortable with my breast ... it's difficult to find clothes but in my private life with my husband it's really great ... accept your body and live longer and better ... be proud of your difference!" |
A 36-year old, size 44J, with two children; the older is nursing at age 3.5. "I started developing breasts at age 9, and was teased mercilessly through grade school and middle school. I was constantly humiliated at the size of my breasts. I have terrible posture as a result of a
lifetime of hunching over to hide them. They are now a huge weight and
cause me daily pain in my back and ribs. Finding clothes that fit is a
nightmare. Buying a bra is a major expense, as they run around $45
each, and I have never had one that fits right.
But I am grateful for them, nonetheless, b/c they are a source of food
and comfort for my babies, the way Mother Nature intended them to be. :-)" |
Age 32, has breastfed one child for 8 months. She has lost a lot of weight and has stretch marks. "Stretch marks and all I love them." |
"I am 28 years old. I have been pregnant once and was unable to breastfeed because I made NO milk. My breasts never changed during pregnancy or
engorged after and with the help of a lactation consultant and a hospital
grade pump we learned that I made no milk. It's never been officially
diagnosed by a doctor but I do fit all the 'criteria' of tubular breasts.
I am obese and at the time this picture was taken I had lost about 50lbs. I
was thin in high school and extremely small chested (maybe an A cup on a
good day) and even then they were very saggy. As I gained weight they got
bigger though never fuller, just saggier really." |
Breasts of a 12-week pregnant woman. "My areolas have darkened since my pregnancy began, which is normal I hear. They used to be a carnation pink color tone. Also, my breasts have increased one cup size. I was a 34B, but am now a 34C." |
Breasts of the same lady as on the right, now 17 weeks pregnant. She's grown from a 34B to a 36C by this time. |
The same lady again, now 32 weeks pregnant. |
"I am a 39 year old woman, bra size 16C (Australian sizing). I have 4 children (the youngest is 4 the oldest is 14) whom I breast fed for up to a
year each. I like my breasts they do sag and they do have stretch marks
from pregnancy and weight loss and gains ( many over the years). I weigh
about 89 kilograms and am 6 feet tall. .. I would like them to be perkier
if anything but they present me no problems and my husband is in love with
them even after all these years." |
"I am 25 years old. I've never been overweight or anorexic, though I have been slightly underweight in the past. I was a small A cup until I became pregnant; now that child is nearly 18 months old and I wear a C cup. My baby has been breastfed from birth and we have no intention of weaning any time soon. We even nurse in public, and have never received a negative comment. My left breast has always been a little larger than the right, which used to make me very self-conscious, but now it doesn't bother me at all--partly because I have seen, through this website and by other experiences, that most women don't have perfectly symmetrical breasts, and that is only a myth perpetuated by our over-sexed, commercialized culture. Veins on my breasts have always been visible but they were even more noticeable when I was pregnant. I love my body, with all its imperfections." |
"I'm a 27 year old mother of 2. I got the tattoo on my breast for my 19th birthday. I breastfed both of my children. My first for over a year; my second for about 4 months. Before my first pregnancy I was less than an A cup. While I was breastfeeding both of my children my breasts were almost a D cup. After I weaned my second child, my breasts shrunk back down to less than an A again. I've since used herbal supplements which have increased my breast size to a full A." |
A woman's breasts at 13 weeks of pregnancy. |
The same set of breasts at 39 weeks of pregnancy, one day before giving birth to twins. Notice the areolas got darker; however this lady's areolas did not get larger. |
The same breasts as on the left 1 month postpartum, while breastfeeding the twins full time. The breasts are larger than during pregnancy and veins are visible - all that milk production requires a good blood supply in and out. |
"I am 37 and have had three children in the last nine years. My youngest is nine months old and still breast feeding each day. All of my children were breastfed, the oldest two for over a year each.
My breasts have always been large (E cup), however they have become quite huge since having children. I have always had a low body image esteem due to the look and sagginess of my breasts and was immensely appreciative of your website. I am currently a little overweight, finding it difficult to lose my excess fat since my youngest child was born. Unfortunately, even when I lose a lot of weight, my breasts remain large and droopy.
I hope this helps other women who have breasts they think are unattractive realise that they are normal. Just like I am." |
"I am 24 years old. I have been pregnant 3 times, but only have two children (one miscarriage).
I breastfed my first child for one year and then breastfed my second for only a month because of digestive problems.
I am 5'4 and as a teen I weighed 165 and wore a C cup bra. I lost 30 pounds in about 4 months and kept it off but my breasts went down to a B cup. When I got pregnant with both children I gained 40 plus pounds and went back up to a C cup. After breastfeeding my first I went down to an A cup and my weight dropped to 118. Now after my second I'm borderline A or B cup and I am 130 pounds. My breasts are droopy and my areolas are large and dark. I have lots of stretch marks from the rapid size changes. My right breast is larger and saggier than the left because that is the side my children favored when I breastfed. I've never had full looking breasts except when breastfeeding. Even as a teen before having children my breasts always seemed more pointy and droopy. I like my breasts fine now. I like not having to wear a bra all the time. I know that I look like a normal woman and anything else would just be fake. I've had people tell me they are shocked that I could breastfeed because I was so small chested, but that's just a myth. No matter what size your breasts are you can support the nutritional needs of a baby. " |
"I am 25 years old, have a child who's almost a year old, have been brestfeeding the whole time (first six months exclusively) and plan to continue as long as my baby wants. In the picture my right breast is filled with milk and left is empty, that causes them to be really asymmetrical. Before pregnancy my left breast was a bit bigger and I had small B-cup, during pregnancy it went up to D and in the first weeks with the baby and milk up to DD. I am still having troubles getting used to bigger boobs, because I liked them when they were small and used to bind them sometimes. I have lost a lot of weight while breastfeeding (about 22 lbs) and I'm trying to get it back though I'm not underweight yet, it's my personal crusade against the fat war :) I have a tattoo on my chest and tattooes around my nipples, I used to have nipple piercings too and consider getting them done again when I'm not breastfeeding anymore. I also had a little milk even before I was pregnant, my gynecologist said it was propably because of too much prolactin but I didn't get it tested because it was never a problem for me. I have some stretchmarks that pregnancy caused, and I'm planning to use them as details in my future whole-chest tattoo." |
"I'm 24 years old and have a three-year old daughter. I breastfed my daughter for a week when she was born. I breast feed my daughter only on my right breast." |
"I am 22 years old and have been pregnant once but never carried any children to term. I'm 5'4 and 170lbs which leaves me short and stocky but I prefer to think of myself as voluptuous.
I love this website and the wonderful message it's sending. It has made me feel so good about myself, I want to share with other women and be a part of something that could help girls deal with feelings of inadequacy.
I've had my anxieties, like any woman. I've felt that my breasts weren't perky enough at so young an age and I've had some particular withholdings about the veins that stand out starkly and close to the surface of my pale skin.
All the same, I've always loved my breasts as a part of my overall self and they suit me just fine. :)
I hope every woman can eventually feel the same way." |
"I am 34 years old and have had two children. I have attempted to breastfeed
both of them, and have failed both times! ... I am quite slim (size 10 / 12 in UK sizes
I think this is size 6 / 8 in USA) and tall (5 foot 10 inches) and have
always been so, however I have a big frame big hands, feet, head, etc.
so I dont look particularly petite.
My breasts have always been very small (AA cup), and even when I was
pregnant I never made it out of an A cup I couldnt even buy a Maternity
bra as they all start at a B cup. I have always been very self-conscious of
my flat chest; I hated school communal showers, and even to this day wont
change in a communal swimming pool changing room in case people think Im a
I actually prefer my breasts now (as pictured) to pre pregnancy as they are
bigger, squashier and more breast like, I can even buy an A cup now, which
is fantastic I feel much more female and voluptuous and a whole new world
of underwear shopping has opened up before me (I really struggled before to
buy underwear, and found the whole experience very upsetting as nothing
...I have considered having implants and
decided against it beneath the worry and fear that I dont match up, is a
belief that I shouldnt have to cut into and disfigure my own body to appear
attractive to others, it is better to learn to accept myself and hope others
will too.
Thank you for your website, it is great.
"Hi, I am a 24 y/o mother of two and I love your site. I used to be quite happy with my breasts but since having my kids they have sagged
considerably and the space between them has grown. My areolas used to be
quite small but now they are very large and don't seem to be reducing in
size again." (Which is normal because areolas increase in size during pregnancy and do stay that way.) |
22 year old, with one pregnancy, breastfed for one year.
"Breasts have been saggy from the day they developed. They were a little perkier before I got pregnant, but never compared to the so called "normal" breasts. I have considered having a breast lift, but I want the ability to breastfeed future children--so I don't want to take that risk.
For the most part I am happy with my breasts--the only thing I would change would be for them to not be saggy. One is larger than the other since my pregnancy." |
She is 38 weeks pregnant in this picture - notice how dark the areola is, probably at its darkest. The color will fade during several months after delivery. |
"24 year old, one pregnancy 4 years ago, breastfed for approx. 3
months, some stretch marks, my breasts prior to pregnancy were a full C, now an A so they seem to have shrunk and look like it too." |
"I am 33 yrs old. I have two children, now 6 and 3. I breastfed the first for 11 months and the second for 15 months. I wear a 36C. I wore a 38B before the pregnancies. The scars seen on my stomach (and some unseen ones under the smaller breast) are from surgery done when I was a baby therefore totally unrelated to the breasts, but causing the smaller one to have a "tuck" under it and causing the nipple to point downwards. I've always wished my nipples were erect all the time and I've always wanted my breasts to be bigger, but I'll never be willing to surgically alter them, plus no matter what they look like, they fed two beautiful, healthy children naturally and inexpensively." |
"38 year old, SWF. Developed about 14/15 yrs of age. Been about the same size my whole life, except while I was pregnant with my one daughter. Depending on the bra, I wear a 34 D or a 34 C. I would love a pair of those perky, media seen breats, but not willing to go to the extreme of surgery. I have an active lifestyle and stay fit." |
"Hi.. I am 27 years old, with two children, two births. Twenty-four months PP. Did not breastfeed, not currently pregnant. I am considered obese, normal pregnancy weight gain and weight loss. Slight stretch marks. The discoloration at the top are tattoos I erased out. I am very uncomfortable with my breasts because of the sagging." |
"Hi, I used to be very very insecure about my breasts until I found your site. It's giving me soo much convidence in myself to know that my breasts are NORMAL!! I use to think perfect breasts were perky with small areolas & nipples, as you can see in my pic I have very large areolas & nipples. Even before pregnancy my areolas were huge, but yah it got larger when I got pregnant.
I'm 21 years old, currently pumping in the day & breastfeeding at night. I only give him formula for back up, that's hardly ever though. My son is 4 months old. I love breastfeeding, & I am very proud to be one of the few americans who do. All my friends who had or currently pregnant don't even want to try breastfeeding. I still always encourage them to.
Breastfeeding is Awesome!!!
I hope my story can help other women out there! Thank you ladies out there soo much for giving me the convidence I now have." |
The same lady as on the left; about 2-3 months later. "I'm 21 years old. I've always had large areolas but it got alot darker when i got pregnant. My baby is now 6 months old and I'm still breastfeeding. I have stretch marks all over my breast :( I love this site. Thanks for making me feel normal!!!!" |
Age 72. This lady always goes topless at home, but wears bra most of the time [otherwise]. |
"I'm 27 years of age. I've been pregnant twice and have one child the other pregnancy was a miscarriage. I breastfed for a couple of days on my left breast. The left breast appears a little bigger than the right one. I've always been overweight. I've lost weight and gained. I've gotten stretch marks when I became pregnant. I like my breasts and so does my husband and thats all that matters. I'm a 40D sometimes a C cup. But I really like this website because it makes me feel more comfortable with my body. All of our bodies are unique and beautiful in their special way!" |
"I'm 24 years old and I have two children. I breastfed both of them for
8 months. I used to be bigger before pregnancy, but I've never liked
the shape of my breasts. They have always been pointier with larger
nipples. I think they have always been lopsided, but I think they are
worse now. I used to be 30 lbs heavier as well. I have never thought
that my breasts were normal. " |
"I am a 74 year old caucasian woman who had 2 pregnancies and breastfed
up to 6 months. My children are now 46 and 44 year old and have their own families. I am very proud of my breasts and am a 38C, was 34 B
before I gained the weight I have now on me. I weigh around 77 Kg and am 5.5 3/4 ft. I love to walk around naked around the house and prefer not to wear a bra, but wear one anyway because I don't like the nipples to show through my clothing. I am a young looking woman and proud of it. I play a lot of tennis and am very active and agile still." |
"I am 34 years old. I have been overweight since my teens, I am 19 weeks pregnant. I have never been happy with my breasts so I was very happy to see this site. I was a 36 B but have gone to a 38 C since falling pregnant. I had never been pregnant before and now since my pregnancy my nipples have gotten a lot bigger!
I have been on birth control several times since my teens this always used to cause an increase in my cup size but never made my nipples get bigger. At the moment my breasts ache constantly and the nipples are very tender and sore." |
(attached photo: 34G, 32 years, 4 babies breastfed) "For years I really disliked my shape since I developed quickly and younger
than my classmates, and immediately got the 'wrong' sort of attention from
males, which led to an eating disorder and deliberately dressing to disguise
my bust - I essentially found myself apologising for having large breasts on
a small frame. I continued this well late teens and early twenties, holding
myself with a slouched posture, wearing minimising bras and layers of
clothes, anything to hide. After I started having babies my perspective
changed, my boobs got bigger and whether I liked it or not, they couldn't be
'hidden' because it was important to me to nurse my babies. For what it's
worth, I now really like my boobs and appreciate them as an 'attractive'
part of my figure, given that they're pretty useful when used for
what they're made for." |
(Click the image to enlarge)
"I am a 39-year old with two kids; both were breastfed for a year. I have always been proud of my breasts, and normally shaved them because I thought my slightly
hairy nipples were abnormal or unattractive. Thanks so much for your site. My husband and I love how the gallery shows that real breasts have such variety and
beauty. I hope you can include my pic to show that normal breasts can have hair." |