These pictures include women of Anglo-/Teutonic European, Semitic, N. Mediterranean, and N. East Asian, Native American, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed descent who come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. The main point is: there is enormous variation in what is normal. Sizes and shapes vary enormously. So don't worry, ladies!
Disclaimer: Some stories below are very frank and may mention various kinds of events and difficulties in people's lives (e.g. anorexia). does not necessarily endorse everything that is depicted in the stories/pictures.
![]() This girl is 23 years old.
"I was overweight in my early teens - about 12-17 years old. My breasts used to sag more than they do now. Also, I have big areolas. I am happy with my breasts but I have seen my sister's and she has amazing natural breasts. My mom thinks my breasts are saggy and need breast lift surgery. I used to feel very conscious with guys. But to be honest, I want to be more concerned about my happiness. I'm trying to improve my abdominal muscles to gain more self esteem from my breast insecurities."
![]() "I'm a 21 year old with petite A cup breast. During my teens I hoped that summers would be the time that my breast would develope a little more . Later I realized that would never happen. At times I wish they were slightly bigger because I feel a little less womanly with
my petite frame. Overall I'm pretty happy with my breast. They make be
petite but I love their beautiful shape."
![]() "Hello! Your site was very informative and have convinced me that my breasts were normal. I'm 18 years old, asian and I fit into A-B cup bras. My left breast is noticably slightly larger than my right breast and my nipples are quite small and flat. Early in my teen years, I didn't really develop like my friends did. I noticed that I started growing when I was about 14-15, but my breasts didn't really grow as much. Your site really helped me realize that breasts are beautiful no matter what size or shape they are. Thank you!"
![]() "I am 42 years old and have never been pregnant. I have been overweight to varying degrees since childhood and I am currently within a few pounds of my highest lifetime weight and wear US size 28 or 30, and bra size 48D. My breasts have always been asymmetrical, and as I've gotten older and heavier it has become more pronounced. I am fair-skinned and my areolas have always been light, with small nipples (which were inverted for a while during puberty.) My breasts started out somewhat cone-ish and the nipples were always at the very tip. They started heading south when I was very young -- probably 15 or so -- because they were never on the upper slope of my breasts to begin with."
![]() "I can't say I feel much better after looking at your site, but I think
sharing my photos despite will be empowering in its own sense.
"I'm 20 years old, never been pregnant, slightly above average in height, with a small frame. I'm generic American (my family has been here since the 1700s) with a bit of Native American, etc., thrown into the mix. I have an hourglass figure, but this is because my shoulders and hips go out while my middle section goes in, not because my boobs are helping. I'm self conscious about my breasts- I don't mind that they are small, but I dislike the size of the areola, my lack of cleavage, and the shape of my breasts (I was chubby while I was developing and in the last two years or so I've lost weight without trying to diet so I think some of the mass from my breasts was lost as well). Weird things about my boobs that don't bother me: the left one is slightly bigger than the right, and has a freckle on the areola and a chicken pox scar on the areola. I love to wear shirts that drape, anything v-neck, and demi cup bras- these are things that look really good with my boobs =)" |
![]() "I am 23 years old. I have a medium build and I've worn bras that were too small for as long as I've had breasts. I wanted to ignore them when they started growing. As a teenager, I wore tight sports bras and duct tape to smash them down. I still don't know what size I wear. Every sales person that has measured me couldn't find a bra that fit perfectly. I'm around a 34 DD. A guy (a porn addict) once told me that my breasts were "too hangy downy." I never spoke to him after that. For the last two years I've dated a 31-year old guy. He worships me and my breasts. I didn't learn from his adoration, approval or acceptance--to love my breasts, it just happened. I have very thin skin and my veins show through a lot. The veins used to bother me a lot but I don't mind them now. I suppose that since I'm a lot more comfortable with my breasts I could always sunbathe in the nude! Backyard party anyone?"
![]() "I'm 26 and never been pregnant. Even though my breasts are quite small they've had stretchmarks forever, even the smaller one. I sometimes wish they were bigger and perkier and I always wear a padded bra otherwise I feel like my stomach sticks out more than my boobs! But I'm grateful I can sleep on my front and I've more or less accepted how I am. I think the human body is always a beautiful thing, even if it's hard to see our own one that way. "
![]() "I am 19 years old, and I have never been pregnant. Last year I lost 20lbs and have gained 10 back since then, but the shape and size of my breasts have not changed drastically. Currently I wear a 34B. I first saw your website after telling a friend of mine that I was completely in love with The Shape of a Mother, and she referred me to you. Originally I decided to submit my pictures because after looking at your site I didn't see any that I thought looked like mine, however now that I look at the pictures of mine I see that I was wrong. I have never been supremely happy about the size and shape of my breasts, but I've slowly become more accepting of them this past year."
![]() "I submitted a picture of my 34B breasts about a year ago to your site, and I wanted to send you an updated picture to demonstrate that breasts can increase in size into your 20s without gaining weight, being pregnant, or changing hormonal birth control. I am 20 years old, and in the past 3 months my breasts have gained an entire cup size - I'm now a 34C. Women on one side of my family are late bloomers, and if my breasts follow the same growth pattern as theirs did (which they appear to be doing), I may very well gain another cup size within the next year or two. Hope this gives hope to some younger girls who are worried their breasts will never grow larger (though they are perfect the way they are)!"
![]() "I'm 24 years old never been pregnant. I'm probably B-cup judging by
measurements, haven't worn a bra after I realized it doesn't make me more
adult when I was 15-ish or so. I've always been quite skinny, and all
women on my mother's side of the family that I know are small-breasted.
I like my breasts very much as they are now. Not sitting quite straight
in this picture.
Thanks for your site, it's very interesting and although I don't think many people can hear past the "not wearing bras make your boobs sag!" propaganda, it's nice to have info in one place. :)" |
![]() "I'm a 20 year old girl and have never been pregnant. I was a cross country
and track runner from sixth through twelfth grade, and consequently didn't
get my period until my senior year of high school, and was barely a 34B
cup until this time. I was happy with my small breasts, which were perfect
for running. By the time I graduated from high school I was a 36DD. They
came fast, along with overall weight gain. I now run marathons, but I run
so much more slowly because I'm so top heavy. I've considered a breast
reduction surgery multiple times, and I'm so self conscious of my breasts
that I wear a normal bra as well as two sports bras every day to make them
appear smaller. My left breast is slightly larger than my right, and I've
hated them since they grew in. Looking at the pictures on your site has
helped me feel a little better about them psychologically, if not
alleviating the heavy discomfort. Thanks for making this site."
![]() A 21-year old, with size 36 C or 34 D, depending on the brand. "I didn't really notice that my breasts were larger than 'average' until I went to prom in a low-cut dress and everyone commented. I've never loved my areolas, I think they
are way too big and too light-colored, but I've never gotten any
complaints and I am learning to like them. I also dislike the veins on
my breasts, I'm not sure why but they have always been noticeable. I
have incredibly light stretch marks on the outer sides of my breasts but
they're hard to notice. I have always enjoyed them in low cut outfits ... but they are a huge
burden during the day and especially when trying to find appropriate
business attire. Great site!!"
![]() "My breasts are assymetrical.. It is my belief that my left breast is a C and my right breast is a B, but I've always worn a B-cup bras, slackening the strap on the right shoulder, and keeping the left one snug. In the past months I've put on some weight (after coming off the pill), and maybe they're big C and small C cups, right now. Also, you can see the flab of fat under the right arm that the doctor assures me is 'breast fat' (maybe that's why they're assymetrical?) I've always been conscious of my lopsided breasts, and moreso, my flab of fat. Interestingly, though, it was only after I got married last year, and realised that my husband didn't even NOtice the difference until I told him, that I have begun to relax. I still hate the armpit fat, though! I'm glad that I found this site, and can realize that I'm not as lopsided as I could have been. I'm a Caribbean national of African descent. OH.. and I have scoliosis (hence the high and low shoulders)."
The armpit "fat" may in reality be extra breast tissue (supernumerary breast). Breasts can develop anywhere along the "milk lines" running from armpit to pubis. They can be very uncomfortable, and are a potential focus of breast cancer. Extra nipples are common, usually showing up as a "mole" further down the chest. These supernumerary nipples/breasts are recorded in the medical literature. |
![]() "Your project is awesome!!!!!!!! I am a 28 year old woman, no pregnancies.
I was always a 34B throughout high school and college. When I went on the Pill at age 19, my breast size increased. Coupled with the usual post-adolescent weight gain, they increased to a 34C by the time I was about 23. I thought they were about "perfect" then. In the last six months, I have changed Pills due to hormonal face breakouts, on the advice of my doctor, and lost a little weight due to dietary changes (became vegan). My breasts are now 34B again, which was somewhat emotional, as I had gotten used to having larger ones, and enjoyed them! Also, I now have slight stretch marks from the weight loss, on the tops/inner sides of both breasts. I have also, just in the past six months, noticed some sagging, which surprised me, since I am petite and always thought of my breasts as on the smaller, perkier side. I have also had, since puberty, several long, black hairs (like on my head, but darker!) growing from around my nipples. I was always terribly embrassed about them, especially when I was younger, and have always plucked them. They have increased with age, but having read more about breasts online, I now realize that while this is not "average" it's also not really "abnormal" and certainly not a medical problem. I used to think my nipples were too big, but now I think they are fine. I think that was just the pornocracy making me think most women had tiny areolas and that men expected that. My guy, who is the most amazing, giving, supportive man, loves them. I'd like to say to younger women and girls out there: there is a LOT of pressure on us to hate our bodies if they don't look like the ones in the media. But keep in mind that, while it's not as obvious or intense, boys and men experience pressure, too, and have concerns and hang-ups about their bodies. If someone really cares about you, they will appreciate the beauty of your natural body, just as you will naturally and pretty much automatically think that the body of someone YOU love is beautiful. Men's parts also come in all shapes and sizes, and they are insecure about sharing that with YOU. Real mutual respect and love, once experienced, will make all these hang-ups evaporate, and will greatly lessen your insecurities about your perceived "imperfections". Do not compromise. Don't share yourself with a partner (male or female) who makes you feel like there's something wrong with you. There's not! There's something wrong with THEM - on the inside. " |
![]() "I am a 23 year old woman with no prior pregnancies or breastfeeding. I am a "normal" body type - athletic but not super skinny or muscular.
I have had one continuing problem with my breasts. When I was in high school I realized that my breasts faced more downwards than my friend's that was of the same body type otherwise. She could go to dances without bras and I couldn't. I started developing at the average-ish age of 10, was a C cup by age 12 or 13, then grew slowly to a D cup by college. Differently than some other women, when I gain weight I do not gain it in my cup size. In fact, when I gain weight I am a solid 34D but when I lose weight I am a 32 DD (depending of course on my time of the month, when I was on birth control and having my period the cup size was larger). Again and again society (and even medical drawings, sadly enough) tell a woman her breasts are supposed to be "perky"; the nipples facing up, and more tissue below the nipple than above. Mine, as you can see above, are not like that. I am in the process of growing to love them. I still sometimes think about a lift... My hope is that by the time I'm financially able to do that I won't want to anymore. And more importantly, neither will the next girl who has doubts. Because nature gives us what it gives us. Biology is what it is and we have to accept that. I hope that my children and the friends of my children will grow up realizing that whatever they were born with is good. Hair, sagginess, small, large. I may not be that comfortable, but I really hope we raise our next generation to be. Please join me in that." |
![]() "I'm 25 years old, I live in Europe. I'm pretty skinny. I have never been pregnant.
I have very small breasts and never been to happy about that (left is
slightly bigger then the other). I've always been very self confident and
when I was about 15 I realized that my breasts won't grow anymore... so ever
since I tried to make the best of what I have and to accept myself the way I
am. It wasn't always easy. I never wear a bra, first, because I can't find
the one that fits and second, now I got used to it :) not wearing one, I
Would I like my boobs to be bigger? Yes, not too big though. But I would never go for a surgery, ever!" |
![]() "Age 19 , average build and no pregnancies. Through high school I wore
an A cup bra but my breasts didn't fill the cup until last year. I was
always embarrassed of my small size. The influence of Hollywood's idealism
made me feel inadequate, ashamed, and less of a woman. This site, along
with my husband urging me to understand the different kinds of beauty we all
posses gave me a much needed reality check."
![]() "I'm 24 years old and I have never had children. I was very happy with
my breasts four years ago till they suddenly sprung from smaller B's to
larger C's, I had priviously been taking birth control and my doctor
said this was all "normal". I come from a German/Dutch background so I
assume it has alot to do with genetics. I have some pretty severe bacne
and it often spreads to my chest and breats. As you can see one is
larger than the other and these are my areola at their largest. .. I also have LOTS of enlarged pores in my cleavage, stretch marks near my underarms which are only just starting
to disappear due to about 20lbs weight loss."
![]() A 22-year old from Germany. "I am always topree at the beach. In Europe one may at most
beaches. At some one may be even completely naked, which I like also."
![]() "I am an 18 year old female. When I was 16 I had "ideal" breasts...a
32 full B. They were very perky and I never wore a bra. Then I took
birth control, and my breasts went from full B to a small D. Sadly, I
was furious. I cried. I had to wear bras, I could no longer wear tiny
tanktops etc, and I felt that was all anyone looked at. I am a tiny
woman, so my "new" breasts are completely out of
proportion. However, today I am happy because I have learned to love
them! Although I do not flaunt them, I am secure with them."
![]() 29 years old, European, skinny woman. "My breasts have always been small, some days I love them!! And some other times, I hate them!!! What I liked the least was the hair I had on my areolas. I'm getting laser hair removal now and it makes me feel a bit more comfortable about myself. I guess not having a stable relationship didn't help much."
![]() "I'm a young woman from Athens, Greece that happened to run across your site.
I'm 25 years old, never been pregnant and considered neither slim nor obesse. I do have a couple of extra kilos on me. When I was a teenager my breasts grew rapidly and as a result of that I have fairly visible stretch-marks. I do sports and weight-lifting and maybe that has caused my breasts to be slightly pointing outwards. My right breast seems to be placed a bit lower on my chest, seeming shaggier that the left (in my opinion). A couple of years ago my breasts started growing (for no apparent reason-yet painfully) and from cup C I went to DD." |
![]() "I got caught up and took several pictures of my breasts trying to find a way to make them more attractive -- then I realized I was defeating the purpose. I'm eighteen and I've never been pregnant. I've been on birth control for three years but I don't think it affected my size much. I am unathletic but I maintain an average weight with a 34A bra size. I was a late developer and I remember praying in my bed at night that they would just get just a little bit bigger. I've never had any complaints besides my own: One of my breasts sits higher on my body and is a different shape - My aerolas are too light and the bumps (montgomery's glands) are almost as big as my nipples. But then again I only fuss over this when I see them in a photo."
![]() "I am going to be 22-years-old soon. I have never been pregnant. My breasts are size EE. I am of slavic descent, which I have been told, accounts for my large breast size. My aerolas are quite large, about 3.5 inches in diameter. My breasts have some stretch marks on the side from rapid growth. There is also a large visible vein that runs through my left breast (visible in picture). I find your site very interesting and I wanted to add to the variety or breasts featured on it."
![]() "I'm 27 years old. I've had mild bulimia and milder anorexia off and on. I do a lot of exercise in phases. I put on a lot of weight with hypothyroidism when I was 21 and training to be a dancer and have still not lost it. ... I was also on anti-depressives and mood stabilisers (and hormone pills when I had excessive bleeding), which made me gain weight around my stomach and thighs mostly and now back. I'm still trying to lose weight. I haven't had any kind of breast surgery, but when I swim a lot my breasts do seem firmer and get more shape. I have stretch marks and have had them since I was 13. My breasts were always big even before I put on weight, my mother's and grandmother's breasts are big too. I'm from India. I've however always had big breasts and have liked them fine, though I've worried about what I thought was unnatural sagging. I felt it was my fault somehow for not wearing bras (I just didn't want to at one point) and for not continuing 'breast exercises' that a family doctor who used to feel me up once recommended. I feel more relaxed about my breasts and their 'sagging' after going through the site and am looking forward to more braless days. I'd been so worked up about it that recently I'd started wearing bras to sleep too."
![]() "I am 23 yr old female. I have always been a little overweight, broad shoulders which give me a wide chest, and stretch marks on my breasts. My nipples are quite large and dark for me being of medium skin tone AND one breast is a little bit bigger than the other. All of this made me very self-conscious! However, I have a very loving man who LOVES my breasts and me (of course) who has helped me greatly. This is a great website for people who are searching for confidence with their body image. Thank you! (0)(o)"
![]() "I am a Caucasian, Australian woman. 19 years old, never been pregnant
or breastfed. I am a size 10E (Australian sizing). Slightly overweight now (about 70 kg) but usually about 65 kg. My
breasts haven't changed with weight change, or since I started the
PIll, they have always been the same since they grew. I have small stretch marks all around my breasts which I hate because
they make them look saggier.
I really hate my breasts most of the time. I think they are too big, and this is very inconvenient. It is impossible to find comfortable fitting bras (and even more impossible to find nice-looking ones.) I can't wear strapless dresses, can't wear bikinis, can't wear tops with thin straps or halter necks because my bras have to have large straps. Due to the unrealistic expectations the media has given me, I hate my boobs because I think they are too saggy, the areolas are too big, too pale, and ugly, my veins show, and they are uneven. I think bras are really bad and would love to go bra-free but because I hate my breasts so much I can't stand being without a bra because I can feel them more, and it hurts because they are big. I would love to do artistic nude modelling or be a model for life-drawing classes but I am too afraid that people would make fun of my breasts. My mate loves my breasts, a bit too much maybe, he makes me feel very uncomfortable wanting to grab and touch them all the time and gawking at them when I am getting changed. It is a clear example of breasts being over-sexualised. I am pretty happy with the rest of my body and I just feel like my boobs are holding me back from being beautiful. I hope other women & girls feel better about their breasts than I do. Your site is wonderful, keep it up." |
![]() "Hi, I came across your site and think it's a really great idea - it's ridiculous how we are only ever exposed to one particular type of air-brushed breast on TV, and even more ridiculous that people seem to have issues with seeing mothers breast-feeding in public. So I thought I'd volunteer to add to the breast-gallery, partly because your website is such a great idea, and partly also to take a step in loving and appreciating my body, and being OK with it just as it is. I'm 22, nd have always remained at within a healthy weight range (not skinny or athletic or obese). "
![]() "I am 18 and have never been pregnant. I have always been small both in weight and height. I wear a 32A mostly. I am learning to love [my breasts] though and I love this site. There should definitely be more like it."
![]() An update picture of the lady on the left - three years later, when she is 21. "I developed amenorrhea when I was 18 because I was underweight. In order to solve any potential problems this might cause, I was put on birth control by my doctor. (She told me that there needs to be a period at least every three months in order to keep up uterine health). My breasts to grew rapidly when I first began taking the pill. I believe that this is due to the fact that my hormone levels were very low before I started the pill. I am now 21 my cup size has increased to a B. I have learned to accept my body more and more with each year and now I am very comfortable with every part of my body, especially since I am now a more healthy weight. I have also learned not to focus so much on the size of my breasts but rather the overall health and appearance of my whole body."