These pictures include women of Anglo-/Teutonic European, Semitic, N. Mediterranean, and N. East Asian, Native American, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed descent who come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. The main point is: there is enormous variation in what is normal. Sizes and shapes vary enormously. So don't worry, ladies!
Disclaimer: Some stories below are very frank and may mention various kinds of events and difficulties in people's lives (e.g. anorexia). does not necessarily endorse everything that is depicted in the stories/pictures.
![]() "I'm 23 a y/o and I embrace my breasts, I know strange to hear. I wear low cut shirts with slight appearence of cleaveage. I am a C-cup which fits my proprotions nicely. My only complaints are they sag a
bit and I had a major breast spurt from 9th to 10th grade and it inevitably
made stretch marks."
![]() "When I was 14, I was a
small C cup, but then I lost quite a bit of weight and have remained a small
B cup ever since. I don't like the fact that my areolas take up a large
portion of my breasts, I wish I had smaller areolas. But there isn't much I
can do, besides surgery (which I won't get), but it makes me feel better
knowing that I'm not the only one out there with large areolas. I never
thought that I would ever show anyone my breasts, but if it helps even one
girl out there feel normal, then I'm glad. I also have PCOS, but I don't
know if that has anything to do with the size of my areolas."
![]() "I'm
19 years old and have never been pregnant. I'm slightly on the over weight
side and my breasts started to develop quite early (about 10) so they've
never been perky because they are quite large. my left breast is a little
smaller than my right. I'm happy with my breasts and their size and shape
because they are mine and they are unique to me and girls everywhere should
be proud of their breasts and their differences."
![]() 38 weeks pregnant ![]() 3 weeks after giving birth | ||
"My breasts were very small (size 36AA) and I used to wear padded bras and when going out "turkey fillets". I wanted to have larger breasts but didn't want surgery as I knew I wanted to breast feed exclusively if possible. I am a very positive thinking person, so thought on the positive side - small breasts don't cause problems when jogging, back ache, you can wear no bra when it is hot.
My breasts increased in size when the milk came in (I was very surprised when I saw myself in the mirror when my daughter was 3 days old - they looked like they had breast implants!!). ... Please use my photos to show women that even small breasts like mine can provide the full amount of milk a baby needs and give so much enjoyment to both mum and baby." |
![]() This tandem feeding photo is of the same lady whose three breast pictures are above. "I started my first daughter back on the breast again
when second daughter was born (after a 5 month break). She learned how to
latch on really quickly and it was great to tandem feed when caring for new
baby and toddler (2 years 7 mths). After about 6 months I stopped the older
one feeding as she was very disruptive at night time wanting boobie when
baby wanted it too and was eating very little food. Here is a photo of us. The baby was exclusively breastfed until 5.5 months
and was above average in weight. My previously tiny boobs had plenty of milk
for both of them!"
![]() "I though it is a wonderful idea to have a site that portrays natural and normal breasts, in internet that is saturated with sexually objectified breasts, which again can harm others self-perception. I am 26- years old Northern- European woman, I have never been pregnant and have always been slender build. I used to worry about the small size of my breasts, but that was part of the insecurities that came because of the age and the unfortunate signals from society, of the "ideal feminine shape and its importance" that sensitive girls can pick up. I even thought of breast augmentation, on many occasions. I never thought that I could actually do that, and felt its wrong I should be thinking there is "something wrong" in being small breasted! Nowadays, I like my breasts. I completely accept them, I think they are very pretty too. But most importantly, I just take them part of my body, part of me, like everything else, and I am accepting the way I am an individual with unique features, like everyone else is. It is wonderful that we all come in different shapes and sizes, I have finally been able to enjoy what I am. It is very liberating thought, and I want people who have insecurities to understand that it is achievable when growing as a person instead of going under knive! I have also always has "success" when it comes to opposite sex. Breast size never has been as issue. Femininity and character reaches beyond cup size! :)" |
"Hi! I'm a 23-year old woman. At the moment I am slightly overweight. I used to be normal weight but even then my breasts were really big. I gained the weight in just a couple of years and I have been planning to lose some weight. I have accepted that I will never have pretty and small breasts because I know that it's impossible for me without a surgery. Although I used to have a body that the media considers to be the ideal, I never felt that men were interested in my breasts. I also feel that women didn't want to be friends with me and I think it was because they were jealous of my body or they got a wrong impression of me because of my breasts. I have always wanted to have a normal body and not have my boobs be the first thing people notice about me. They are supposed to be my own private body part but unfortunately in today's world I feel like everyone judges me because of them. I might have a breast reduction surgery when I'm older and had a couple of children so that the breast feeding will no longer be an issue. I got my first boyfriend only a year ago and he really has made me see myself in a more loving way. I'm no longer a perfectionist and even though I weigh a lot more than I did before, I am more happy in my own skin. I have realized that there are more important things in life and that I can be loved and aprociated and live my life without having a perfect body. And thanks to this site, I have noticed that I am not the only one whose breasts aren't perfect. They are all still normal, even though they are different. And isn't that what makes us all beautiful in the end, that we are all different in many ways?"
![]() "I am a 47-year old woman who has never been pregnant. My breasts, when I was a teenager and young woman, were small. I'm not very good with sizes but I was an Australian size 8 or 10 dress size and vaguely remember I wore a size 10 or 12 bra (I have a broad back) and a B cup.
In my mid 30's I began to put on weight going from a size 10 gradually up to today, a size 16. My breasts have grown and changed. I believe the areolas (which was always bigger than the average) have increased. I was on fertility treatment in my late 30's and maybe it was coincidental or maybe it was the hormones but my boobs then became more womanly. They gained size and the nipple also appeared to be a little bigger, although, I still don't feel they are in proportion to my actual areola. I would ideally love bigger nipples and a little less areola. That being said, I have been married for 27 years and my husband has loved them in all there different stages. It's interesting how breasts can be so different amongst the women from the same family. My mother has small breasts with nice, neat areola but similar to me with the prominent montgomery bumps, my sister has similar breast shape to my mother but rosier coloured nipples and areolas than either mum or myself. Today after a recent bra fitting (something I hadn't had done in many years), I am now wearing a size 16 bra with a D cup. After being both small and large breasted, I can honestly say, at no time have I ever felt completely enamoured of my breasts but I have accepted them as part of me for better or worse. My husband has always cherished them and this has helped me in my acceptance. Thank you for this site, not so much for an old girl like me, but for all the young women out there who have been victimised by an out of control society which venerates false imagery and unrealistic ideals. It is empowering to see so many different types of norm and healing to love and respect all the differences our sisterhood." |
![]() "My bra size is
either 36 A or 34 B, depending on the bra. I used to obsess over how small I thought my breasts
were, especially since I felt like my body was disproportionate (my
measurements are: 32-29-41). But now, I love my small breasts and my
![]() "I am a 21 year old asian woman who has never been pregnant. I have always been petite, the most I've weighed is 98lbs. I am not on birth control or have had any surgery. I am happy with my breast size but I don't like how big my nipples are. Sometimes I wish I had bigger breasts but I am not willing to get implants."
![]() "I am a 24 year old of a slim build. The fact that I have hated my breasts since childhood outrages me. I am healthy and beautiful and happy, but I have never looked at my breasts in the mirror without feeling sad. I am angry at a culture that makes women hate the beautiful uniqueness of their bodies, and learning to love my breasts will be a slow process that I am excited to tackle. All of the beautiful breasts on this website make me see how beatiful we all are! Bodies would be so boring if they all looked the same!"
![]() (Photo from age 20). "I wear a 34a bra. Sometimes I get a 34b but it is too loose on me. I have had a real problem with nipple hair since I was about 13. There are lots of them and I have to either pluck or shave constantly. I even tried nair but it burns too much.
My nipples also poke out all the time. I like to go without a bra but I have to be so careful with what I wear otherwise everyone sees my nipples. This pretty much rules out t-shirts and knit shirts."
![]() This is the same lady as on the left but when she "got too chunky" at age 22.
![]() "Hi, I will be 22 next month, never being pregnant or breastfed and yet my breasts are saggy. I am 5'4" and as long as I can remeber have always been overweight. I now weigh about 180 lbs. I am a 34C-D, also have stretch marks on my breast and I am very happy I found this site because it has boosted my confidence so much. Thanks to everyone who put their pictures."
![]() "I'm 27 and a half years old and have never been pregnant.
As you can see, I get spots between my breasts and they tend to be a bit
hairy. I'm happy with them though - they're small enough to cause me no
problems and I like their shape. The right is bigger, but not drastically
so (also gets hairier!). When I was younger they didn't droop at all, but
I've noticed a very slight sag in the last couple of years. C'est la vie!"
![]() "I am 18 years old and have always been on the petite side as far as my
bone structure and weight. I have always been very self-conscious of my breasts
and felt they were too small even though I wear a size 34C, and I am
very self-conscious of my nipples. However, in spite of all of my
insecurities, my man thinks they are perfect which only shows
that all the attention I pay to imperfections is useless, since the
only person who even sees my breasts besides myself thinks they're
"I am 20 years old and have never been pregnant. I wear a 34B, which is pretty average, but my breasts have always seemed too small to me because I am very broad across the chest and shoulders. I like having small breasts because they never get in my way, but sometimes I wish they were a little bigger."
![]() Age: 20. "I think one breast is definitely larger than the other -- but I think I've read this isn't uncommon. As a child I recall anticipating a typically "voluptuous" physique. My mum isn't exactly voluptuous, but she does have large breasts -- an E cup, I think -- whereas I'm probably barely an A! I don't consider myself underweight, but I do think my body type is more boyish and slim (this is something I still have an issue with), though I tend to put weight on my thighs, more so, than my upper half. I don't envy women with large breasts, and am content with having small breasts, and being able to live without wearing a bra! :D"
![]() "I wanted to thank you for this site. It has made me realize that my breasts are pretty average and not as small as I thought they were. I'm a petite 18 year old girl, never been pregnant. I wear a 34B-32C. My mom is the same height and weight as me but she has naturally big, 32DD breasts. I am always telling her she's lucky but she's always saying that it's not true, big breasts are a hassle and she wishes she could get a reduction if she could afford it. I used to think mine were too small but I don't necessarily mind the size of my breasts anymore, it's more that I feel they are not proportionate to the rest of my body as I have extra fat around my stomach and arms. But I like them because they are perky and good shaped, not too small, not too big! "
![]() "Hello. I recently found your site and it has made me feel alot better about my breasts. I started to develop breasts at 8 years old and they were small for a while and in just one year I went from an A to a C. I have stretch marks but they have faded. I was mostly worried about my areolas, I don't think my breasts are done developing so I have learned to accept them how they are. I am 18 years old. I have gained and lost weight on and off my whole life. As you can see my areola is very light and I have blue veins, one which wraps around the left breast areola."
![]() "I am 41 yrs
and am pretty happy with my breasts although they are a bit lopsided. I
have no kids and have maintained a healthy weight all my life."
![]() "I'm an Italian girl, I'm 24 and I've never been pregnant.
These are my natural breasts, I've never used creams or pills or anything... I am normal weight, not so athletic."
![]() "I'm 20 years old and never been pregnant. I'm very athletic and have always been very happy with my very small brests. I almost never had to wear a bra and they never get in the way!"
![]() "I loved this webpage so much! I used to feel so bad about my breasts when I was 15 (now I'm 21), I thought I would never get a date. Much to my surprise I started modeling and small breasts are a plus, I find that breasts in all shapes and sizes are unique and special just as an individual's personality. I love my breasts, how they fit into my hand, how my fiance caresses them in a loving and gentle way much like a light caress- not like a toy. I LIKE NOT LOOKING LIKE A PORNSTAR and being able to speak to men with them looking at my face instead of my breasts. I feel a bit sorry for women who obsess over the size & shape- they need to be reminded that they are beautiful just because they are lovely creations of God :) I hate how society has portrayed breasts as needing to be like Pam Anderson's when really the normal size A-C and D on heavier women. I have never been pregnant. I have never had an eating disorder, I just have a small frame. I feel honored to contribute to this great page. breasts come in all shapes and sizes! Let's not lose the war against some sacks of silicone!"
![]() "I am a 31-year-old Aboriginal/Caucasian woman. I have never been pregnant. I am on the petite side in stature and weight and wear a size 30H bra. I always thought my breasts were quite symmetrical until I was told, at a bra fitting, that my right breast is slightly fuller than my left. I developed at a young age and have often been insecure about my breasts - feeling they weren't "perky" enough. My nipples are also always hard [erect], which can be an embarrassment and a nuisance as they often show through clothing. More significantly though, they often become so hard that they really hurt.
Your site is fantastic. I see beauty in every photograph posted. It has also helped me realize how unrealistic the Hollywood ideal of the "perfect breasts" actually is. Thank you." |
![]() "I am 27 years old, never been pregnant. I am obese. My
weight has always fluctuated, but my breasts have been large and pendulous
for as long as I can remember. In this picture my bra size is 44DD/DDD.
I have prominent Montgomery glands, and until I found your site, I was convinced I was a hideous freak. Now I know I am completely normal! No matter what bra or dress size I have worn, for me, my breasts have always defined my femininity. My favorite thing about them is that they are a source of comfort. I love being able to offer a man or a child comfort on a physical (because they're soft!) and primal level. This site and all the amazing volunteers have given me back some of my woman power. Ladies, THANK YOU!" |
![]() "This site is quite the inspiration for those who are not completely satisfied with our breasts. I am currentely 18 years old, and from Spanish descent. I have never been pregnant or attempted to enlarge my breasts. My body is average and somewhat thick. I'm really unhappy, and continue to wait for them to enlarge. On the other hand I am learning to accept myself and my body. Everyone is different!"
![]() "I'm 22 years old and I actually really love my breasts. I've had insecurities about them over the years, but I'm happy with the way they are. I am athletic and I tend to have good muscle tone without working out too terribly much, which probably helps them to stay perky (at least for now). I definitely feel better about the prospect of having children and the changes to my shape that might cause now that I've seen these pictures."
![]() "I'm a 25 - year old university student from Germany. I am currently a 34 A. I had surgery done to my left breast to remove two tumors, which left me scars on it. I don't like by breasts at all, I think they are too small and they don't fit with my body type, as I have large hips. I have always been depressed about my breasts and I don't feel like a real woman. I never had a boyfriend, because I am too ashamed of body and I can't imagine showing my body to a man. I don't go to the beach either."
![]() "I am a unsure of my bra size. Most A cups I can't fill out. I think I am roughly a 34 A. Maybe even AA? Both my aunts have breast implants and it pains me to think they weren't happy with themselves. The media brainwashes people into thinking they aren't beautiful unless they have bigger boobs. I think people should be proud with what they have. I wouldn't change a thing about my breasts. I like being able to go bra-less when I feel like it. I am a person small breasted and all. What's also cool is I don't have to worry about the awkwardness of guys staring at my chest. I love my small nipples. I have been called flat chested and skittle tits and never felt better because no matter what, people can't change the way I feel about them. If I could I'd go to a nude beach and let them be free. Also, there was a time I was curvier and my boobs remained the same size. Genetics play a big role in breast size. My
mom's side have small boobs unless they are overweight. My dad's side had big boobs. This is one trait I share with my mom's side. Funny because otherwise I look a lot like my dad."
![]() "I'm 21 years old. I have never been pregnant. I was obese growing up,
but I never had large breasts, even when I weighed over 200 pounds. I
lost about 90 pounds during puberty and my breasts just never grew. I
often wonder if I messed up my system by losing weight during that
time. I did it in a healthy manner, but I still wonder. I can't fill
out an a cup and I have really a really broad rib cage so it is
impossible to find a fitting bra 38aa doesn't exist. I often wear
padded bras because I don't like the shape of my breasts, the size I
don't mind but they look triangular through clothes and I have gone
through life thinking I am the only person with triangular breasts."
![]() "First of all I just wanted to say thank you so much for this site. I was actually just looking into the cost of a breast augmentation when I came across it and after looking at the beautiful pictures of so many women's different breasts, I feel much more comfortable with my own.
I am 18 years old and a size 34 AA. I have always been relatively thin; and I carry most of my weight in my lower half. I am also a dancer (ballet, pointe, jazz, tap, lyrical) and have been most of my life. I am not anorexic but I do have disordered eating in that I am constantly restricting my food intake, so this may not be a completely natural weight for me. I have always hated my breasts because they are so small that I have to buy my bras from a children's store, so sexy bras were never an option. I am very self-conscious about the small size of my breasts and wish that they were at least a cup bigger, but hopefully I will be able to fully accept them soon." |